by T. Austin-Sparks
by T. Austin-Sparks
Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust. Messages given in November 1932.
True fellowship is upon the foundation of the death of Christ. The death of Christ is the foundation of the fellowship, the foundation of the church, which means that when Christ died we died, and all those things which belong to man by nature, and to the world, and to religion as a formal thing, were died to by Christ in His Cross. He died to sin. He died to the flesh. He died to nature, representatively, He died to the world, and He died to formal religion, and that is the foundation of the church, and we should test everything by that. Although we may not come into the full meaning of that experimentally at once, although we may have very little light about that at the beginning when we first became joined to the Lord in new birth, that does not say for one moment that because the Lord has accepted us and brought us into fellowship with Himself, that the light is unnecessary.
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