by T. Austin-Sparks
World Dominion in Union With the Son of Man Through the Cross
by T. Austin-Sparks
Messages given in Kilcreggan, 1932. Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.
The Lord Jesus has been constituted God's representative Man in glory in whom God has vested sovereignty and universal dominion, and the whole new race is gathered up into Christ to share that dominion with Him: "What is man that thou takest account of him? Thou madest him to have dominion" (Ps. 8:5-7; Heb. 2:6-8). In order for God to secure His end in Christ certain things are necessary. And it is important to see that the object and design of the death of the Lord Jesus is seen after He has been crowned with glory and honour. He is crowned with glory and honour before He is crucified and that gives colour and meaning to His death.
In keeping with T. Austin-Sparks' wishes that what was freely received should be freely given and not sold for profit, and that his messages be reproduced word for word, we ask if you choose to share these messages with others, to please respect his wishes and offer them freely - free of any changes, free of any charge (except necessary distribution costs) and with this statement included.