by T. Austin-Sparks
"To make all men see (marg. 'to bring to light') what is
the stewardship of the mystery which from all ages has been hid in
God" (Ephesians 3:9).
There are some pertinent and serious questions which lie behind this
consideration. It has always been cheaply easy to criticize
Christianity and the Christian Church. We are well aware of that,
and its peril of treachery and disloyalty. We could be deterred from
anything that looks like a criticism by the fear of real or alleged
spiritual pride, superiority, and arrogance. But - as in the case of
Nehemiah, Daniel, and others such - we cannot take an objective
position. Rather, as they, so we are involved, and have to speak of
'the state that we are in'. It is a matter of 'we', 'our'
and 'us'. That sense of involvement and identity, however, did not
make them silent and inactive. They had to cry out, to pray, to
speak, and to act.
The doubt about things being all well with the Church has become a
very big one, a very far-reaching one, and one which is born of a
recognition of much weakness, ineffectiveness, and loss of
authority. A state of confusion, frustration, and impotence is
bringing great discredit upon the Church and much dishonour to the
Lord. While, not so long ago, Christian leaders boasted of the great
traditions of their particular form of denominational heritage and
attributed these to the sovereignty of God, in our time the most
common phrase in Christian circles is 'Our unhappy divisions' or
'Our man-made divisions', etc.
Then again, for years - many years - there has been a tremendous
prayer-outreach for 'Revival'. Nights, days, and weeks have been set
apart to seek God for this. Everything has been resorted to with a
view to finding the ground for revival. All the techniques and
supposed bases have been drawn from historic occasions in order to
get a repetition. But there is no response in the way and to the
dimensions expected or sought for. Does it mean that God is so
reluctant as to need all this exhausting pressure to do something
for His own glory? Or are we to look deeper and further for an
explanation. This is an enquiry, not a suggestion that 'we
have the answer'. It is something to be taken account of that this
absence of life, of power, of impact, of vital testimony is not
universal. There are places where it is otherwise, but mainly
in the East and not in the West. Does this carry a significance
which may go to the very heart of the situation? Let us consider it
at once, in its wider and closer context.
In keeping with T. Austin-Sparks' wishes that what was freely received should be freely given and not sold for profit, and that his messages be reproduced word for word, we ask if you choose to share these messages with others, to please respect his wishes and offer them freely - free of any changes, free of any charge (except necessary distribution costs) and with this statement included.