by T. Austin-Sparks
Holy Spirit in Relation to The Glorified Christ and The Believer, The
by T. Austin-Sparks
First published in "A Witness and A Testimony" magazines, 1932, Volume 10-3 - 10-4.
There is no doubt but that there are movements in the earth at this time which are a counterfeiting of the Holy Spirit even in the matter of regeneration or new birth or conversion; and in many other connections the Holy Spirit is being counterfeited; and the sad, grievous tragedy of it all is that multitudes of the Lord's own dear children are being carried away by these things. It is quite easy for us to say that we do not want teaching, we want life, we want power, we want work, we want activity, but, beloved, we need teaching. The matter of truth by the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth is a very, very vital, important matter for us today. We cannot speak about wanting power as something in itself; these two things must go together, truth and power, power and truth.
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