What is True Christianity?

by T. Austin-Sparks

Transcripts of a series of conference messages given in Manila, Philippines, February 25-29 1964. Messages from the whole conference are published in the books titled, "That They May All Be One, Even As We Are One" volumes 1 and 2.

"What is true Christianity?" In other words, what was it that invaded this world with the coming into it of Jesus Christ? Around that question, an immense battle raged in the time of the apostles, and in the nature of that question, the battle still goes on! It took a peculiar form in the days of the apostles, then it was a matter of Judaism or Christianity. Since that time it has not been a question of Judaism and Christianity, but all along, and today, in principle it remains the same. The question is: is Christianity a legal system or a spiritual movement from heaven? Is it a legal system imposed upon God's people? Or is it a great liberating spiritual movement from heaven? The answer is found in: "Have we really seen the Lord? Have we really seen the significance of Christ?" Only if we have, shall we be a free people.

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