by David Wilkerson
It was during a time of intense spiritual hunger that the ministry and writings of Austin-Sparks came to my attention. My dear friend Leonard Ravenhill asked me to read one of his most prized books. It was an out-of-print copy of SCHOOL OF CHRIST.
I was deeply moved by its liberating, refreshing, and spiritual message. I was so blessed I wanted to share it with all my minister friends. After discovering the book was no longer being published, I located Mrs. Austin-Sparks, in London, England. This dear 91-year-old saint of God gave me her permission and blessing to publish it once again.
I believe the message and spirit of this book will profoundly affect any God-hungry servant of the Lord. Though Austin-Sparks is now with the heavenly Father, his dynamic messages are still changing the hearts of those who seek the deeper truths of the Spirit.
I agree with brother Sparks that no man is of any use to God, in eternal values, if he has no settled assurance that he is accepted in the Beloved. Also, the true man of God must fully accept the fundamental principle that -
This is a book you will want to read many times. It was during my third reading that its truth fully dawned on me. It has affected my preaching, my outlook on life, and intensified my hunger for the glorious liberty of the Cross.
We believe this book is destined by God to bless and edify numerous spiritually hungry ministers and laymen.
David Wilkerson
Used with permission.
In keeping with T. Austin-Sparks' wishes that what was freely received should be freely given and not sold for profit, and that his messages be reproduced word for word, we ask if you choose to share these messages with others, to please respect his wishes and offer them freely - free of any changes, free of any charge (except necessary distribution costs) and with this statement included.