Editor's Letters
T. Austin-Sparks
June 1928
Beloved of our Lord,
"This is the victory that hath overcome the world, even our
faith" (R.V.).
The Holy Spirit would have us be very careful about our spiritual tenses.
And as for the victory, do we not declare, "Thanks be unto God Who
giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ"?
If the victory is given, and the victory is our faith, it is obvious
the faith is given also. This is to say that there must be a gift of
faith in the gift of the victory. This is so; and this is what Paul
means by Gal. 2:20, "I live by the faith of the Son of God." But
what does he live? A victorious life, new life, heavenly life,
Christ's life; but in a mortal body, and in this world.
How blessed to know that both the victory and the faith are included
in one gift of eternal life.
It was Jesus Christ's faith at Calvary that secured the victory; and
His faith is now imparted in His resurrection life to all
those who believe upon Him.
It is a simple but wondrous fact that when we in our utter
sinfulness and helplessness come to see that only a Divine Saviour
can possibly save us, God reveals to convicted sinners a crucified
Christ enthroned in heaven, the Lamb in the midst of God's Throne.
He had faith at Calvary, an obedience of faith, to go down into what
was spiritual death for us all, being made sin, and thus becoming
a curse. And it is this very One who was raised from hades to
Heaven's Throne for our sakes - He was raised for our justification
- that as we believe upon Him His very faith might be imparted to us
as the principle of our life henceforth, and this faith is the
Victory that hath overcome.
How slow of heart are we to call upon our Lord's faith to arise
within us by the Spirit to meet every new challenge of His
adversary, the prince of this world.
If we have believed that God hath raised that same crucified Jesus
into His Throne of Deity, we have believed enough.
Henceforth it is not our belief, but His faith. The gift is
Jesus Christ's faith unto all them that believe. There is no greater
thing to believe than what we have already confessed with our mouth.
What we have to do now is to draw the living water out of the wells
of salvation. For if He is within by His Spirit, His faith is
within, and the victory is within.
May this be a pastoral word from the Good Shepherd to some fearful
and timid child of God. Beloved, you have believed enough now
if you believe that the crucified Jesus is the Son of God now.
His faith is within you as a consequence of Divine faithfulness to
your confession. Draw out! The change from death to life has taken
place. The Governor of the Feast awaits your ministry of glad
communion, from which will spring all strength for faith's service.
Yours by His faith,
T. Austin-Sparks
T. Madoc-Jeffreys.