Beloved of our Lord,
This "Life" is a grace-life. Freely bestowed in its begetting, freely renewed in the constant quickening of the Anointing.
The Shepherd is continually constraining us to lie down in the green pastures of grace. We are forever trying to make headway in a wilderness of law. This is the contrariety of the Spirit and the flesh. To which do we hearken?
Somehow we cannot get the voice of that schoolmaster "Law" out of our hearing. Although it was the relentlessness of law that drove us right into the arms of the Atoning Christ because of the revelation of our inbred lawlessness, we are still prone to consider the way of the Lord as a Law-way rather than as a Grace-way. Nevertheless, it is altogether a Grace-way, and to the once initiated "Grace has a charming sound."
All the invitations of the Shepherd are not only in the language but in the very tones of "grace." It is not merely the Words but the "Voice" of the Shepherd that the sheep must recognise.
How often does His Spirit amplify the Gospel provisions with "freely"? Yes, it is with freedom Christ hath made us free, and we must abide in the freedom. He expects not a stiver from the old man; all is freely given in the "new." It is "newness of life " moment by moment to faith's call.
We urge God's redeemed not to listen to the voice of strangers, the harsh condemnatory, or subtle doubt-suggesting voice of the devil. Well is he called "the false accuser" - the accuser of the brotherhood of the Christ.
Ye are not under law, but under grace, the mantle of the Bridegroom. Rest, and rejoice! This is our state. A perfect salvation procured and secured in a Saviour-God! Who is he that condemneth? Yes, who?
The curse has been discharged. The Blood has been poured out and carried through. Thus the Eternal Word is confirmed and the Spirit now freely gives, continually gives, a Life that within itself contains the anointing of a constraining Love.
Abiding in grace,
T. Austin-Sparks
T. Madoc-Jeffreys