Editor's Letters
T. Austin-Sparks
May-June 1950
May 1950
Beloved of God,
I am very hesitant to write a further personal letter and thus keep
the personal element in view. But, after all your prayer and
gracious solicitude during my time of illness, I think (and it is
felt here also) that you should be told of the good progress being
made toward full recovery. There is every hope that relief from the
limiting suffering of many years is effected by these operations
under the Lord's blessing, and that I shall be able to do more, and
move more freely in His service than was before possible. If this is
so, and increase of Christ in the saints is the outcome, we shall
rejoice together. It may be that I shall have to be but a part-time
man for two of three months longer. The Lord graciously permitted
and enabled me to have a good share of the ministry at the Easter
Conference here, and I look forward to a repetition of this at
Very few of you who have not been to Honor Oak know how much is owed
to the faithful brethren who carry so much of the burden of the
many-sided ministry. That things go on so smoothly and strongly when
I am withdrawn is due to their devotion and oneness. During my long
indisposition I have not had need to be anxious for a moment
regarding the work, and coming back it is just as though I had never
been away. This is no one-man affair; so in praying for me, include
them in your thanksgiving and supplications.
May I repeat my request for prayer now, that the Lord will make
quite clear what and where my future ministry is to be. The burden
of spiritual need in many parts of the world lies upon one's heart
and strong invitations are not a few. But there is also a Centre
here which is the scene of comings and goings of many in the
nations. The question is whether to keep to a base and seek to meet
the wider need through personal contacts here and the printed
ministry, or to do what Samuel did - have a house from which to go
"in circuit from year to year, and return." It is not quite as
simple as it appears on paper, but will you pray about it?
Again let me say how very grateful we are for your faithful prayer
fellowship with ourselves, and for this whole ministry; and may the
Lord richly bless you with His own fulness.
Yours in His Grace and Love,