Chapter 11 - The Heavenly Man and the Word of God (Continued)
The Holy Spirit Related to the Word of God and the Heavenly Man
(a) In Birth. We observe, then, that the Holy
Spirit is related to the Word of God in the birth of the
Heavenly Man. The Word was presented to Mary, and it
created for her a problem. In the human realm there was
perplexity as to how the realization of this thing could
be; how she should attain unto that; how this wonderful
presentation and unveiling of possibility and meaning,
purpose and intent, and Divine thought could ever become
a realized thing. That was her problem. The angel
answered her enquiry and cleared her perplexity with one
statement: “...the Holy Spirit shall come upon
thee...” (Luke 1:35). So we see that, related to the
Word of God, there was the Spirit, in this birth.
The Holy Spirit did not take up the Word to make it a
realized thing in Mary until she had committed herself to
the Word. That is always a law. But when she committed
herself deliberately to the Word, then the Holy Spirit
took up the realization of the meaning, the implication,
the content, the purpose of that Word.
(b) In Conflict. In the same way the Holy Spirit was
associated with the Word of God in the conflict. When the
Spirit had come upon the Lord Jesus, as the Heavenly Man,
at Jordan, He was led of the Spirit into the wilderness,
to be tempted of the Devil. Being led of the Spirit,
governed by the Spirit, actuated by, and moving in, the
Spirit, the Word of God was, by the Spirit, the
instrument for the overthrow of the enemy, and for the
ultimate advance rather than the arrest of the Heavenly
Man. You notice that there is the mark of enlargement,
because when the Devil left Him, it says, “...Jesus
returned in the power of the Spirit...” (Luke 4:14).
There is the mark of enlargement, the sign of increase
through this that has happened. The Spirit was associated
with the Word in the conflict, unto victory, and unto
(c) In Ministry. The same was true in the ministry
of the Lord Jesus: “...the words that I speak unto
you I speak not from myself; but the Father abiding in Me
doeth His works” (John 14:10). The words are the
issue of an indwelling activity of the Father, by the
We are speaking solely of Christ as the Heavenly Man now,
not of Christ in His Deity and Godhead, as the Son of God
in the highest sense. In His ministry, by the anointing,
by the indwelling Spirit of the Father, there are
activities going on in Him which result in words coming
from Him. But they are not from Him apart from the
Father, they are not from Him out of relationship with
the Spirit, they are coming from the inward activities
and energies of the Spirit of the Father. The Spirit is
producing the words by His operations in the life. That
is why they are always practical words, that is, words of
practical effect. We will come back to that presently.
(d) In the Life. What was true in His spoken
ministry, and in these other ways, was also true in His
life. His life was a continuous and spontaneous
fulfilling of the Scriptures, not by continuous reference
to them, but through the indwelling of the Spirit, Who
had the Scriptures in possession, having Himself given
them, and inspired them. They are eternal, and the Spirit
in Him was moving in such a way that the Scriptures were
being fulfilled all the time. On many occasions the
statement is made to indicate that fact: “...that
the scriptures might be fulfilled....” So He was
energized and actuated in His life, and in all its
incidents, by the Spirit in relation to the Word. The
Heavenly Man is governed by the Word of God through the
Eternal Spirit. That is true of Him personally.
Now that is true also of Him corporately. The corporate
Heavenly Man is the result of the same process. The
Church, His Body, in its every part, is brought into
being by the Word, firstly presented, and then
contemplated, considered, responded to, and the Holy
Spirit taking it up and making it a living thing. The
result is the Church, the Body of Christ, the corporate
Heavenly Man.
That is how the Church comes into being, and to
contemplate any kind of thing called the Church, which
does not come in by the operation of the Holy Spirit
through the Word of God, is to contemplate something that
does not exist in the thought of God. Set the Word of God
aside and you will have no Church. What you will have is
something that is utterly false. Set the Holy Spirit, in
relation to the Word of God, aside, and you destroy what
you are trying to build up.
That is viewing it in a very general way, but for us it
becomes an immediate matter that our very being, as a
part of Christ, issues from exactly the same principle as
operated in His incarnation, the Word and the Spirit
A Reiteration of the Divine Purpose—The Principle of Incarnation
Let us break this up, going back a little in thought.
God requires a Man for the expression of His thoughts. To
put that in another way, God has never meant just to
utter words, statements; to make Himself known and give
expression to Himself by verbal utterances. There is a
great deal more hanging upon that than appears for the
moment, but that is the simple fact, that God has never
intended to make Himself known by statements, by words,
by verbal utterances. That is why it is infinitely
perilous to be occupied with teaching as teaching, and to
take up teaching as teaching, to take up things said, and
think that because we have the thing said to us we have
the thing itself. We never have! Many people have all the
things that have been said, but they have not the thing
itself. There is such a position to come to as that of
learning, and never coming to a knowledge of the truth.
That is a position of great peril. Yes, for twenty,
thirty, forty, fifty years we may have heard all that
there is, and know it all, and yet never have come to a
knowledge of the truth. It sounds like a contradiction,
but it is possible, or the Word of God would not say so.
What is the trouble? Where is the flaw? That is what we
are trying to see now.
Now, as we have said, God never intended to try to make
Himself known, to give expression to Himself, by words,
by statements, by mere utterances, that is, by things
said. For the expression of His thoughts God requires a
Man. The Word, therefore, becomes flesh; for the man God
desires must be the product of His Word in an inward way;
that is, life must be related to truth, and truth must be
related to life.
Again, there is the terrible danger of speaking apart
from the Word of God having been inwrought. There is a
fascination about the great truths, and connected with
this there is a danger, especially if you happen to be in
what is called “ministry.” The danger is that
of getting hold of truths, of doctrines, of themes, of
subjects, of things in the Word of God, and all the time
talking about them. You go and hear something fresh, and
it is a new idea, and so off you go to give it out. In
reality you are collecting material for your ministry in
that way, and there is a terrible danger in so doing. It
is going to put you and your hearers into a false
position. As we have already said, it will make things
top-heavy. You are building teaching upon something that
is not life, that is not growth. It is simply a case of
putting teaching on to people, and presently the whole
thing will topple over, down will come your edifice, and
you will wonder what is the matter. It is only life that
counts. You have to lay a foundation, but there must be
an excavating, an upheaving, a breaking up, an inworking,
before you can add teaching. That is why doctrine
followed the working of grace in the heart, in the New
Testament. The word of grace was begun, and then the Lord
explained by the doctrine what He had been doing. It is
often thus with ourselves. The Lord takes us through
something which we cannot understand, and which to us,
while we are passing through it, is a deep, dark,
terrible experience, but afterward He explains it to us
in His Word, and we are brought into a full
interpretation of what we have gone through. It is far
better to have it so.
The receiving of the Word of God by the Old Testament
prophets is described by the Hebrew verb hayah,
which means “happened.” Thus the literal
rendering of the Hebrew is, The word of the Lord happened
unto so and so. In our translation this is expressed by
the word “came”: The word of the Lord came
to so and so. It is an event, not just a verbal
utterance. That is how it has to be through us to others.
That is why the Lord said, “...the words that I have
spoken unto you are spirit, and are life...” (John
6:63). There is an event with His words, not always in
the immediate consciousness of those spoken to, but, as
we have already pointed out, something is done, and it
will come to light one day. Upon that everything in
destiny hangs. God speaks, and something is effected one
way or the other. Thus the Word of God is not merely a
saying, a speech, it is an event.
The full value is given to the Word of God when it is
incorporated in a body. That is, of course, patent in the
case of the Lord Jesus Himself. The full value of the
Scriptures was reached when they were incorporated in Him
personally, when it could be said, “And the Word
became flesh, and tabernacled among us... full of grace
and truth” (John 1:14).
The Word of God and a Living Assembly
On the corporate side there is something to be
recognized which perhaps may occasion difficulty for the
moment, but which is nevertheless true, and something
that must be taken into account, and be remembered, that
the Word of the Lord in a living assembly has special
value and power. If you have not seen that mentally, and
recognized that as a truth, possibly you have known it as
an experience, as a fact. In a living assembly of the
Lord’s people, with the Word of the Lord in the
midst, what power that Word has, and what value. But how
unprofitable it is to try to preach the Word in the midst
of an assembly that is not living, but dead and dry. It
may be the Word of the Lord, and, so far as the preacher
is concerned, it may be in the power of the Holy Spirit,
but of how little profit it is. When you get an assembly
really alive unto the Lord, a body throbbing with life,
what value, what power, what fruit there is in the Word.
It was true in the case of the Lord Jesus. There you have
a living One, with the Word of God in Him, and you see
how, so far as He was concerned, the Word was spirit and
life. The Word had special value in Him, because in Him
was life.
That is a true principle in relation to the Heavenly Man,
as corporately set forth. You have there a living body,
with the Lord’s life and the Lord’s Word in the
midst, running, having free course, and being glorified.
On the outer fringe of that company there may be the
unsaved, and others who are not alive to the Spirit, but
the fact that the Lord has a nucleus of living ones in
the midst gives to the Word something of value, which
makes it far more powerful, far more effective, than
where this is not the case. This is a thing that those
who minister in the Spirit know all about in experience.
If the Word is ministered in a fairly large company, not
very far advanced, and not having learned the language of
the Spirit, and anything is said very much beyond early
simplicities, they look at you almost open-mouthed, and
think you are talking a strange language. But when the
Word has been released and there have been two or three
who are alive to the Word, it has taken on power, and
these people, although not perhaps understanding the
terminology, have become alive to something. Some of you
when preaching may have looked round the congregation to
find one co-operating spirit, and the Word has found
release. If there is a nucleus in the midst of a realm of
death, or comparative death, the Word of God has a
special value by reason of a Holy-Spirit-actuated unit.
It is there that we have to see the importance of being
alive unto the Lord for the ministry.
We have been dealing with the fourth chapter of
Ephesians, where we read of the Heavenly Man giving
gifts; apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and
teachers, for the perfecting of the saints unto the work
of the ministry. The saints are to minister. Now here is
a way in which the saints minister. All the saints do not
come up on to the platform and give the message, but they
marvellously minister when they co-operate with the
ministry, and really the ministry of the apostle or
prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher, is fulfilled by
the living company. It is a poor look-out for the one who
is ministering, if there is not a company to fulfil the
ministry like that, by spiritual co-operation. In that
way the Lord gets through with a revelation of Himself.
How much more can the Lord reveal Himself when He has a
living company.
The Lord seemed severely limited when He was here, so
that He could never say all He wanted to say: “I
have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear
them now” (John 16:12). Nor, again, could He do what
He wanted to do: “And He did not many mighty works
there because of their unbelief” (Matt. 13:58). But,
given a living company, there is no end to the
possibilities. The Lord can reveal and express Himself
there. The Lord needs a Man, a heavenly Man for His
self-revelation, the expression of His thoughts, and the
full value is only given to the Word when it is
incorporated in a body.
Christ and the Word of God are One
Now we come much closer. The thing that must be said at once is, that by the Holy Spirit the Word is Christ. It is not a statement of things, it is the expression of a Person. What we mean to say is, that we have to take the same attitude toward the Word, that we take toward Christ. We have to face the Word of the Lord in the same way that we face the Lord Himself. It is not something of the Lord presented to us in words, but it is the Lord Himself coming to us. We cannot reject any part of His Word and keep Him. We cannot divide between the Lord and His Word. People seem to think that they can take some of the things the Lord has said and leave others. The Word is one. The Word is the Lord. To refuse the Word in any part, is to refuse the Lord, is to limit the Lord, is to say, in effect: Lord, I do not want You! Lord, I will not have You! It is not that we will not have the Word, but that we will not have the Lord Himself, for the two are one: “His name is called The Word of God.” “The Word became flesh....” You cannot get in between, the two are one. He is the Word of God. God does not come to us in statements, He comes to us in Person, and the challenge is to take an attitude, not towards the things said, but towards the Lord Himself.
The Necessity for Heart Exercise
The question that arises in most of our hearts when we
have been hearing a great deal is, How is that to become
our life? How is that to become a part of us? How are we
to become the living expression of that? That is the
question which should arise, at any rate. Let us remind
ourselves, and those for whom we have responsibility in
ministry, that it is possible to be ever learning, and
never coming to a knowledge of the truth. We can attend
conferences, go right through every meeting, and mentally
take in all that is said, and go away with it in our
minds, or have it in our note-books, and then have to
come back to another conference to get more, and then to
another, and still another. We look back over the years
of conferences and begin to take stock, and we ask
ourselves the question: What is the result of all this? I
remember that on such and such an occasion, such and such
a thing was spoken about, and on another occasion
something else; these have been the things which have
been the subjects of the various conferences; and now,
what does it represent? That is a very solemn question.
Is it that we know these things; that is, if they were
repeated, should we take the attitude: Well, we have
heard that before; we know that! That is what we mean by
ever learning, ever learning, without maybe ever coming
to the knowledge of the truth, in the sense in which that
word “knowledge” is used. What are we going to
do? How is all this to be translated into something more
than words, more than thoughts, more than ideas, more
than truths as truths, more than teaching, so that it
really does become incorporated, expressed in a Man? It
can be, and it must be. Exactly the same principle must
operate as when Christ was born of Mary. It means that
the Word presented has to lead us to exercise of heart.
That is what happened with Mary. She immediately entered
into an exercise of heart about it. You know what measure
of exercise has resulted from your hearing of the Word.
Consider it thus: What does that mean? What does that
involve? What cost will that entail? What is that going
to lead to? Is that the will of God for me? The need is
of a present, direct, and deliberate taking up of the
Word, and facing it, contemplating it, entering into
exercise of heart about it. That is the first step
towards incarnation of the Word.
Having looked at it, having been exercised by it, we must
take a deliberate step in relation to it in faith. That
is necessary. You will never get anywhere unless you do.
When, having faced that Word, weighted it, looked at it
in the light of God’s will for you, and having come
to a position you take a deliberate attitude, if it is to
be towards the Lord, the attitude must be: “Behold,
the handmaid of the Lord (behold, the servant of the
Lord); be it unto me according to Thy word.” “I
do not know how it can be; it seems an impossible thing,
too high for me, but be it unto me.” That is faith.
Mary did not stand back and say: Well, it is a wonderful
revelation, far too great for me; I do not believe it can
ever be, I cannot really accept it! Wonderful as it was,
and impossible as it was on any other ground but God,
with the sheer impossibility of its ever being on any
natural ground, she said: Nevertheless, be it! That is
faith. It is not according to what I think is possible,
what I feel to be possible, what seems to me to be
possible, but “according to Thy word.” It is
according to the Word, and that Word is not an impossible
thing! If You have spoken, You do not speak
impossibilities, You do not challenge me with
impossibilities! “ it unto me according to Thy
word.” It is a committal of faith, a deliberate act
of faith in relation to the Word, that is required. How
many of us have so acted over things which we have heard?
How many of us have got away and, in exercise of heart,
said: “Lord, that is a tremendous thing, and for me
in a natural way it is quite impossible; but it is Your
Word, therefore, be it unto me. I stand on it, and I
stand for it, You make it good. I can do no more than
say, Yes, and I believe God.” There is a great deal
in a transaction like that. Without that we do not grow.
Without that we are ever learning and never coming to a
knowledge of the truth. Without that so much of truth
becomes merely mental in its apprehension, and is not
living, is not effective.
However much we have failed in the past, there is
something to be done in this matter. When the Lord has
been speaking to us, we should make it our first business
to get apart with Him. You would not believe the
heart-break it is, to one who has been pouring out that
Word, to find that almost before he has finished his
message, and the gathering is closed, people are talking
on all the trivialities of their domestic and business
affairs, on things that can quite well wait. It is not as
though there were any serious or critical situation to be
enquired into, but mere talk ensues along the lines of
ordinary, every-day things. Our point is that there has
to be a deliberate transaction with the Lord, if that
Word is to become an expression of God in a life; and God
can never be satisfied with anything else. God can never
be satisfied with mere statements, but only with the man
as a living expression of His words.
The Relation of the Word to the Cross
That is why the Word is always related to the Cross.
The Apostle Paul uses this phrase: “For the word of
the cross is... the power of God” (1 Cor. 1:18). It
is the power of God. It is the wisdom of God. We know
that the word used is the “Logos” of the Cross.
The Logos is the combination of a thought and expression
in a personal way. It is the Word in a Person, related to
the Cross. That is why it is put in this way by the same
Holy Spirit of knowledge and understanding, in the Book
of the Revelation: “And He is arrayed in a garment
dipped in blood: and His name is called The Word of God”
(Rev. 19:13). You see the two things, the garment
sprinkled with blood, and His name “The Word of God.”
Then you look into the Letter to the Hebrews, and you
will remember that in chapter nine and verse nineteen,
you have these words: “...he took the blood of the
calves and the goats, with water and scarlet wool and
hyssop, and sprinkled both the book itself, and all the
people....” There is the Word and the Blood. It is
the Cross that gives the working power to the Word.
The Cross of the Lord Jesus is a tremendously effective
thing. The Cross of the Lord Jesus, in its spiritual
value, will break down everything that stands in God’s
way. It will clear the ground of the old creation. It
will destroy the power of the enemy and his works. The
Cross is a tremendous thing for breaking down,
destroying, overthrowing. The Cross, on its resurrection
side, knows no bounds to power: “...the exceeding
greatness of His power to us-ward who believe, according
to that working of the strength of His might which He
wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead...”
(Eph. 1:19, 20). The Cross has these two sides, the
breaking down side and the raising up side, and it is in
the power of the Cross of the Lord Jesus that the Word of
God finds its effectiveness. He becomes the Word of the
Cross, and the garment sprinkled with blood is the
garment of Him Who is “The Word of God,” and as
“The Word of God” He gets His power by way of
the Cross. Christ crucified is the power of God. When the
Cross has its place in our lives, the Word of God is
tremendously potent. An uncrucified preacher is an
ineffective and unfruitful preacher. Ministry in the Word
of God from any but a crucified minister or vessel is
impotent, fruitless, barren. Find the crucified man
giving the Word of God, and you know it will be
effective, fruitful, powerful.
Take Jeremiah as a great Old Testament illustration. If
ever there was a crucified man in spirit, it was
Jeremiah. He bears the marks of a crucified man right
from the beginning. If you want to know what a crucified
man is, read the first chapter of Jeremiah’s
prophecy, and you will see him indicated at once. Read
right through Jeremiah, and you will see a life size
portrait of a crucified man. Turn to chapter one, verses
four through six:
“Now the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before
thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee; I
have appointed thee a prophet unto the nations.”
Any natural, uncrucified man would leap at that, and say:
My! I am somebody! What power is entrusted to me! What a
life-work I have!
“Then said I, Ah, Lord God! behold, I cannot speak:
for I am a child.”
Such is the reaction of a crucified man to a great
prospect set before him by the Lord. See what a crucified
man can be when the Lord has him in His hands—verses
nine and ten:
“...I have put My words in thy mouth: see, I have
this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms,
to pluck up and to break down, and to destroy and to
overthrow; to build, and to plant.”
There is the Cross in the word of the crucified man:
“...My words in thy mouth...” destroying,
overthrowing, plucking up, casting down. That is the
power of the Cross. The Lord does that with regard to
ourselves. The Cross works havoc in our flesh. It brings
us to an end. But there is another side of the Cross, and
that is to build, and to plant. That is the working of
the Cross in resurrection. Thus we have the Word in the
mouth of a crucified man. It is the Word of the Cross in
effect. It is Christ crucified, the power of His Cross
bringing into view a heavenly Man, through the embodiment
of the Word of God. The Cross gets rid of that other man
who looms so large, and who is to be summed up in
Antichrist, the super-man, who will sit in the very
temple of God giving out that he is God; some great one
of this old and cursed creation, so lifted up in pride
that he assumes the very place of God. The Cross casts
him out, and brings God’s Man into view, greater
than he. Over against Antichrist is Christ, and there is
no comparison. The Cross brings in that Man by putting
out the other. All that is in us of that other man the
Cross brings to nought, and thus makes room for the
revelation of the Heavenly Man, both personally and
corporately, and gives to us a ministry which is the
result of the work of His Word within. It is a ministry
which is a work, not a ministry of statements. That is
why we have stressed the words in John fourteen—“...the
words that I say unto you I speak not from Myself:
but the Father abiding in Me doeth His works.”
The Father dwelling in Him was doing His works. The words
that He speaks, He is not speaking from Himself, they are
coming out of the Father’s works. Thus, it is not a
case of truth, teaching, words, ideas; it is a ministry
(evidenced, maybe, by words, but by “words, which
the Holy Spirit teacheth”) resultant from inward
works, the works of the Spirit within. The Lord lead us
more into that.
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