Chapter 10 - The Heavenly Man and the Word of God
Christ the Beginning of the Creation of God
In John twenty, at verse twenty-two we have an
incident recorded which has given rise to a certain
measure of perplexity: “...He breathed on them, and
saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Spirit....” We
perhaps want an explanation of that act, and of those
words, and I think the explanation is that what He did
and said was in pattern, and not immediately in
actuality; that is, it was a representative act on the
part of the last Adam. John twenty sees us on
resurrection ground with the Lord Jesus. We remember that
it is written, “The first man Adam became a living
soul. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit” (1
Cor. 15:45). That must, in spiritual reality, relate to
His resurrection. Not in the full sense was He a
life-giving spirit before the Cross, neither was He the
last Adam before the Cross. All that was represented by,
and summed up, in Him, but in the sense of generation,
this only begins on resurrection ground. There in the
fullest sense He becomes the last Adam, a life-giving
spirit. So on resurrection ground He performs this
representative or pattern act, and utters these
representative words as the last Adam, fulfilling in the
spiritual sense the words of Revelation three, verse fourteen:
“...the beginning of the creation of God.” In
the literal sense He was that at the beginning of this
world. He was the beginning of the creation of God. That
does not mean that He was the first one created by God;
it means that He began the creation of God literally
then, as to this world.
In the new creation He is taking that place in the
spiritual sense: “...the beginning of the creation
of God.” In the beginning of the literal creation
there was a breathing into man of the breath of lives.
Now, as the last Adam, as a life-giving spirit, He
breathes upon them. It is a typical act. It is the last
Adam acting in a pattern-way in relation to the first
members of the new creation, the beginning of the
creation of God. He is typically infusing eternal life
into the new creation. It is only a typical act, because
the Spirit was not yet given. The full expression of it
came later at Pentecost.
The Heavenly Man in Relation to the Word of God
Here is life in relation to the Heavenly Man in the
full sense. We now come to bring all this life principle
in the Heavenly Man into relation to the Word of God. The
Word of God is very closely related to this life, and
this life is very closely related to the Word of God,
both of them as in the Heavenly Man, the life and the
Word. So much is this so that they are not things in Him,
but He is them. He is the Word, and He is the life; the
life and the Word are in Him as His very being. Yet the
Word is utterance as well as person. If you have taken
the trouble to study the technique of the point that is
raised in the use of the words “Logos” and
“rema,” you know how difficult it is always to
differentiate between the two. You know how they run into
one another, and how very often they meet and are one. So
it is that the person has the word and the word is the
word of the person. There is a difference, and yet they
are both bound up with the person. We shall see as we go
on what it means.
(a) Begotten by the Word
In the first place, as we have been saying, the Lord
Jesus as the Heavenly Man was begotten through the Word.
The angel visited Mary and presented her with the Word of
God, and waited for her to respond to it before there was
any living result, and when, after consideration and
fighting her battle through the problem and the
difficulty, and the cost of it, she responded, “Behold,
the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to Thy
word,” then the living Christ was implanted.
(b) Tested by the Word
In the temptation in the wilderness, it is clearly
indicated to us that, in the background of things, it was
the Word of God that was governing the Lord. Every
temptation was met with the Word of God: “It is
written....” Life was contingent upon the Word of
God: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by
every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God”
(Matt. 4:4). In the Heavenly Man the life question is
bound up with the Word of God. If you take the opposite
of that, you know that the earthly man dies because he
refuses the Word of God; his life depends upon the Word
of God and his attitude toward it. Here the last Adam is
taken up on the same basis, and inasmuch as He met the
three temptations with the Word of God, it is perfectly
clear that His life was bound up with the Word of God. It
was the Word of God that was governing this whole
experience, and its issue. The Heavenly Man was being
assailed with a view to tearing Him out of His heavenly
life, as it were, by getting Him in some way to refuse,
or violate, or ignore the Word of God. He maintained His
position as the Heavenly Man in life on the ground of the
Word of God.
(c) Governed by the Word
Not only was He begotten through the Word, and tested by
the Word, but in the third place, Christ was governed
throughout the whole of His life by the Word of God. All
the Law and the Prophets apply to Him. Said He to Jewish
leaders, “Ye search the scriptures, because ye think
that in them ye have eternal life; and these are they
which bear witness of Me” (John 5:39). The
suggestion there does not immediately affect our
consideration, but is worth noting. In effect He was
saying: In your searching of the Scriptures for eternal
life, it is the Person in the Scriptures that you need to
know; it is in Him in Whom the Scriptures are gathered up
that eternal life is found. That is the force of the
statement: “...these are they which bear witness of
Me.” Again, when with the two on the way to Emmaus
after His resurrection, it is said of Him that “beginning
from Moses and from all the prophets, He interpreted to
them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.
We mark the fact, then, that all the Scriptures applied
to Him. He embodied and fulfilled all the Scriptures. How
often will He say, while here on the earth, concerning a
certain movement, a certain act, a certain experience, a
certain statement, “...that the scriptures might be
fulfilled....” If you have never taken out every
instance in which that occurs, you should do so. It is
worth gathering up.
The Relation of the Holy Spirit to the Word of God and the Heavenly Man
Now I want you to note this. The Lord Jesus, in the
whole of His life, was being governed by the Word of God.
How necessary it was, then, for Him to walk in the
Spirit, so that the Word of God should be fulfilled. Now
what does that mean? Take, for example, the Old
Testament. Do you suppose for one moment that every
statement in the Old Testament was always present in the
mental consciousness of the Lord Jesus, and that when He
went to do something He referred to His manual, and said:
“Now shall I do this, or shall I do that? What does
the Scripture say I ought to do?” Yet every part of
the Scripture was controlling His life, and there was a
sense in which He was responsible for everything there.
It all applied to Him. But He was not carrying all the
Scriptures in His head, nor even in a book, and referring
to His memory or His manual for His conduct, His
utterances, His acts, His experiences, for what He
allowed and what He did not allow, for what He did and
what He did not. Although the Word of God was with Him
richly, although He would have had a great knowledge of
the Scriptures—and that becomes perfectly clear as
we read His utterances—that is not the way in which
the Word of God governed Him; as though He had to call
Scriptures to remembrance on every occasion and to act
accordingly. He was moving in the Spirit of life, and as
He did so He moved according to the Word of God. When
necessary the Spirit of life brought the Word of God to
His remembrance, and He was able to use it. How He did
use it! But apart from any quoting of Scripture, and
apart from any present memory of the particular passage
which governed any given incident, the Spirit was moving
with life, in relation to the Word of God. He was
governed by the Word of God, so that even when, as Man,
He was helpless upon the Cross, unable to do anything, it
says of those very conditions, “...that the
scripture might be fulfilled....” Again, it is
recorded that when He was dead on the Cross, and they
came to break the legs of those crucified, finding Him
already dead, they break not His legs, “...that the
scripture might be fulfilled, A bone of Him shall not be
broken” (John 19:36). That Man is under the
government of the Word of God in everything because of
the Spirit possessing, because of the Spirit directing,
and the Spirit taking responsibility.
I can see a danger there, and am going to safeguard what
we are saying, but let us first of all stress this law.
If we are walking in the Spirit, and are moving according
to the life of the Heavenly Man, our lives will be
ordered according to the Word of God. Sometimes we shall
not know the Scripture that applies to a given moment,
but we shall know of something happening; we shall know
that at that point we were checked; it was as though
within us something said: That is not right, you will
have to correct that statement; there is a flaw in that,
and you will have to make that good. How often we have
known that. Afterwards we have discovered where we were
mistaken. The Spirit of life does not let anything that
is contrary to the Word of God pass, if we are walking in
the Spirit. Surely that should be a great comfort to us,
and a great help.
The Word of God Never to be Set Aside
But there is a danger of which we need to beware. What
we have said does not mean that we can take up a course
of trying to walk in the Spirit, and neglect the Word of
God. We cannot say: Well, to walk in the Spirit is all we
need and we shall be according to the Word of God; we
need not bother about that. There are a lot of people who
live in what they call their “spirit.” They
“get it from the Lord.” They get something, and
act upon it, and afterwards it is discovered that it is a
direct violation of the Word of God. How often we have
met that. People get things “from the Lord,”
and do something which they think they got from the Lord,
and it is as clear as possible that the Word of God is
positively against what they have done.
Thus the matter needs safeguarding. “Let the word of
Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom...” (Col.
3:16) as a basis for the Holy Spirit. If, however, you
are doing that you will not always have the exact passage
to hand to govern the thing of the moment, but the Holy
Spirit will be making good in you what He knows to be the
Word of God, and holding you up. How true that is. Some
of us have found that our natural memories have in great
measure broken down. Very often a misquotation of
Scripture does not touch doctrine at all, but the point
is this, that there is a governing Intelligence which
makes us know the Word of God, though we may not be able
for the moment to give a particular passage in its exact
phrasing or call it to mind. We are governed by it if we
belong to the Heavenly Man. “As He is, so are we in
this world” (1 John 4:17). Here is the Heavenly Man
governed by the Word of God, inasmuch as there was life
in Him.
What is true of the Head, is to be true of the members.
If we are joined to the Heavenly Man, we become parts of
that corporate Heavenly Man, and that same life is in us,
and we shall walk by the Word. We shall be governed by
the Word through the Spirit of life that is in the Word,
and that Spirit of life is all-knowing, all-intelligent.
I wish that all the Lord’s people lived on that
basis. It would save us from all that deadly
heresy-hunting kind of thing; from always being
suspicious, little, doctrinal watch-dogs, keeping a
look-out for anything that is erroneous, and producing a
blight of death over everything. If we were but living in
the Spirit, we should know in our hearts whether a thing
were right or not, without projecting our analytical
minds into things; the Spirit would bear witness in our
hearts. That would be life and salvation. The other is a
miserable existence for everybody.
Now you see the Heavenly Man, eternal life, and the Word
governing throughout. What a difference there is between
being governed by the letter and being governed by the
Spirit. We may have the book; may possess all the letter;
and may be constantly exclaiming, “To the law and to
the testimony!” We may thus become very legal,
checking up on the letter all the time. The Lord Jesus
did not thus act, nor did the Apostle Paul. Zealous as
they were for the Scriptures, for the Word of God,
utterly governed by the Word of God, the thing which
mattered with them was the living Word. Said our Lord
Jesus: “...the words that I have spoken unto you are
spirit, and are life ”; “...the flesh profiteth
nothing” (John 6:63). We can kill with the letter.
We can kill with the Word, as the Word. Surely we want to
be delivered from dealing with the Scriptures as words,
as letters, and to be brought into the place where it is
the Spirit in the Word giving life. What a difference
there is between those two realms. One leads to nothing
but death, paralysis, to the chilling and blighting of
everything; the other leads to a positive condemnation,
to judgment which is necessary to slay the thing that is
evil. It does not leave things in that blighted state
without any meaning, which is all too often the case when
it is merely a thing of the letter.
So you get the twofold aspect of the Word unto growth in
Christ. Firstly, the Word is a Spirit-breathed utterance.
That is what the Word of God must be, and not just
something that has been written. Secondly, the Spirit of
life associated with the Word. This raises a very big
question, a question that perhaps it is almost dangerous
to open in public in these days, and to answer which
maybe would require a good deal of explanation. The
question is this: How far is the written Word, as it
stands, the Word of God? This Book can be taken hold of
and the same fragment used in fifty different ways at the
same time. The same passage of Scripture can be the basis
of a dozen different things, all of which are mutually
exclusive and contradictory. Which of these dozen or
fifty is the Word of God? You can take Scripture as the
letter like that, out from this Book, and you can say:
This is the Word of God! How are you going to prove it?
All these different people take the Word of God, and get
a different meaning with a different result, act in a
different way, and justify a different course, and the
same Word has brought about terrific conflict and
opposition between different sections of people. How far
is it the Word of God as it stands? My point is this,
that I believe that something extra is necessary to make
that the Word of God in truth, in fulness, and that is
the Spirit of life in it. That Spirit of life (we are
thinking of the Holy Spirit now, not an unintelligent
abstraction) must Himself use, and apply, that Word, to
make it the Word of God. I do not believe that you can
get any Divine result by simply quoting scripture as
scripture. The Holy Spirit has to come into that Word,
express Himself as in it, and make it live before you get
the Divine result, because of the object in view. A
living Heavenly Man is not made by mere words, even
though they be words of Scripture. That is what people
have tried to do. They have tried to make the Church by
words of Scripture, constitute the Church by what is here
as written, and so you have half a dozen different kinds
of churches, all standing on what they call the Word of
God, and the thing does not live. It is a living,
Heavenly Man that God has in view, and to produce that,
the Spirit must operate through the Word. “The words
that I have spoken unto you are spirit, and are life,”
said the Lord to His disciples. “Lord, to whom shall
we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.” On the
part of Peter, the spokesman of these latter words, this
was a word of discrimination. The scribes and Pharisees
had the Scriptures. They claimed that everything they had
and held was in the Word of God. Ah yes, but they knew
them not as the words of eternal life. There is a
difference. This life is in His Son. It has to be in a
living relationship to the Lord Jesus that the Scriptures
are made effective.
The Sovereignty of God in the Creative Word
That works, in the first place, sovereignly in the
direction of the unsaved. You may take the Word of God as
it is written and preach it, but you have to leave the
whole matter to the sovereignty of the Spirit. Preach it
to a crowd of fifty, a hundred, a thousand, and to nine
hundred and ninety-nine of the thousand the thing is as
dead as anything can be. They see nothing, they feel
nothing, but one in the thousand is sovereignly touched.
That word is something more than an utterance, than
letters, that word is spirit and life. That is no
accident, no chance, but a sovereign act. The Spirit of
God has come into the Word in relation to that one. That
is the foolishness of preaching, in a sense, that you
have to preach, and have no guarantee that the many will
be touched by the Word of God. You have to commit
yourself to the waters, and believe that God will
somewhere come into the Word and touch some life, though
the majority should be left untouched. That is the extra
element, the Spirit of life in the Word of God,
sovereignly acting in relation to the unsaved.
That, of course, is the creative Word, and brings us to
see that in the Heavenly Man the Word of God is God’s
act, and not just God’s statement. In the Heavenly
Man the Word of God is never a statement alone, it is an
act. We say many things, and then we look round for the
result, with the thought in our minds, “What is the
value of all this?” You have never, never to look
for the result of God’s Word in the Heavenly Man; it
is there. You may not see it, but it is there. The Word
in relation to the Spirit of life in Christ is an act;
something is done; and when that Word has come by the
Spirit of life, those to whom it has been directed by the
intelligent Spirit can never again be the same, though
they may seem to go on in the old way: “...the word
that I spake, the same shall judge him in the last day”
(John 12:48). Something has been said; the Word has come,
and the thing is done, never to be undone. Sooner or
later those concerned are going to come right up against
that, and it is all going to be dated back to that hour
when the Spirit gave expression to the Word. That is a
tremendous fact. That is the value of giving the Word in
the Spirit, because it is an act. It is creative. It is
something done, not something said. Oh, to recognize that
the Word in the Holy Spirit is something done, not merely
something said. God’s Word is always God’s act:
“...the worlds have been framed by the word of
God...” (Heb. 11:3). The Word of the Lord is a
blessing. It is not just saying, The Lord bless you. It
is a blessing in itself; it brings the blessing. It is an
The Life Principle Established in the Case of the Saved
In the saved there is another side. The first side is
creative, sovereign. Now in the case of the saved, where
those concerned are the Lord’s people, the operation
of the Spirit in relation to the Word of God is no longer
purely sovereign. In the case of believers the Word is
not given with a view to bringing about creation, for
that is done. We stand because of the Word of the Lord
spoken sovereignly by the Spirit into our hearts, having
thus been made His children, begotten by the Word of God.
That is a sovereign act, but from that time onward, that
which is sovereign ceases and growth is by the Spirit of
life in the Word; but upon a basis that there is life in
us to correspond to the life in the Word. The life in the
one, or in the company, concerned is the basis of growth
according to the Word of the Lord, which has life in
itself. Take a simple illustration from our use of
natural food. No matter how you may feed a corpse, you
will get no development, no kind of growth. It is of no
use feeding a dead man. There must be some life in a man
that corresponds to the life in the food, takes hold of
it, works with it, co-operates with it, before there can
be growth. That is what we mean by the activity which
bears the mark of sovereignty in the main ceasing. The
sovereign act is something apart from ourselves; it is
the grace of God to sinners who can give nothing back.
Now that the life is in us our growth is on the basis of
the life within us co-operating with the life in His
Word. You can preach to people who have not much light,
and preach in the Holy Spirit, and may not get very much
result because of the limited measure of life that is in
them. But you get tremendous response to a living word
when people are all alive unto the Lord, when there is
life in them. Growth comes that way, the life in us
corresponding to the life in the Word, forming the
Heavenly Man.
The Spirit-accompanied Word imparts life, quickens into
life where there is a dead state, and does it
sovereignly; but the Spirit-accompanied Word requires a
response in the spirit in the case of those who have
already been sovereignly brought into relation to Christ
through the Word. The same life in the Word governs our
lives as governed our new birth. The Lord Jesus was
begotten truly of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of life,
but by the Word, or through the Word. Now, for the
governing of His life, the same life through the Word
operated as in the birth; that is, the same life that
brought into being must be in the Word which governs the
life, to bring that being to full growth. It is the life
principle which is so important. It is this newness, this
freshness that is of such account—if you like, this
originality. Do not misunderstand; we are not using that
word in the natural sense. We mean that in the birth by
the Spirit of life there is something that never was
before; it is original, new. We are a new creation in
Christ Jesus. We call it the “new birth.” It is
not just something fresh, recent, but something that was
not before.
In relation to the Word it has to be like that. The
Word must come with all the force of something that never
was before. There has to be a sense of Divine originality
and freshness about it that is bringing to wonder,
amazement. Again, you can test that. When the Word is in
the hands of the Holy Spirit, though you may have read a
passage a thousand times, and have had something from
that word, you can come back to it again and say: Well, I
never saw that before! Why, this is alive with meaning
and value beyond anything before! There is all the
difference between that, and the stale stuff that we put
into books as the result of our Bible study. The Lord
would have His ministers in the realm where their
handling of the Word of God is in life. It is the
Heavenly Man being governed by the heavenly life in the
Word, so that everything is constantly new, constantly
fresh, constantly original.
How true that is to experience. There have been times
when we thought we knew all about a certain thing in the
Bible; we have talked about it tremendously, and it has
been our theme for a long time. Then a period of time has
elapsed when we have left it, and the Spirit of the Lord
has led us to that again, and it is as though we have
never seen that truth before. We find that we can come
back to the old themes, as they are called, with such a
newness. Other people may not realize what is going on in
us. They may hear what amounts to the old things again,
but they say: ‘There is such a new meaning, a new
grip, that it is quite clear the Holy Spirit has not
finished with that matter, and has more to say to us
about it.’ We have to be careful how we react
mentally to things like that. We are so often tempted to
take this attitude: Oh, well, I have spoken of that so
often that people must be tired of it! The Holy Spirit is
saying: You say it again; do not take any notice of what
they think; if they have heard it a thousand times, you
say it! And when you do so, there is something done
which, with all the earlier utterances of the same thing,
has never been done before. Be careful of pigeon-holing
anything in the Word of God, and saying that we have
exhausted that. If you are dealing with the themes of the
Bible, as such, you may as well pigeon-hole the whole
thing right away. If you are moving in the Spirit with
the Word of God, there will never be a time when any part
of the Word of God becomes obsolete. It is the same new
life that never was before, which came into us to
constitute us a part of the Heavenly Man, which is so
governed by the Word all the way along, unto constant
increase, constant growth.
Remember, then, that it is a matter of life. Remember
that doctrine comes out of life, and not life out of
doctrine. The Church comes out of life, and not life out
of the Church. It is not attachment to doctrine, nor
attachment to the Church, but attachment to the Heavenly
Man in a living way that is the vital necessity; and then
you will get the doctrine and the Church. In the Word as
we have it, the doctrine came after the life. The Church
existed before the doctrine of the Church was given.
Attachment to the Heavenly Man produced the doctrine of
the Church. The Church came about by a living
relationship, not by taking up a revelation of what the
Church was, and seeking to put it into operation. Life
comes first of all, and where life is found the rest will
follow. It is of no use trying to impose the doctrine of
the Church, or any other doctrine, upon people, if they
are not alive unto the Lord. The Lord knows what He is
doing. You cannot go about the world anywhere, not even
amongst Christian people, with your full doctrine, your
full revelation, and have the assurance that, as you give
it out, they are going to leap to it. You have to go
where the Spirit leads you, for the Spirit knows exactly
where there is a sufficiency of life to have prepared the
ground, and what can respond to that which you have to
give. How we would like to go out into the world and talk
to all the Lord’s people of what He has shown us,
and give them the revelation of the Body of Christ! We
should go and organize great gatherings and get people
together, only to find that they look at us blankly and
exclaim: This is strange doctrine! You cannot do it like
that. Increase has to be on a basis of life; because
doctrine does not come first, but life. You cannot get
the Church by trying to get it! There has to be life, and
life by its working forms the Church, becomes the
realization of the Church. The reversal of that order
only leads to Babylon.
What is Babylon? Babylon represents the loss of the
authority of the Word of God as a living thing. It was in
the reign of Jehoiakim, the king who took his pen-knife
and cut up the Word of God, that Judah began to be
carried away into Babylon. When he repudiated the living
authority of the Word of God, all the vessels of gold and
silver were carried off to Babylon. It is a parable. It
means that the Lord’s people come into bondage, into
captivity, into death, are out of the place of the Lord’s
appointment, and the Lord’s ministry is not going on
in life, because the vessels have departed, have all been
taken away. Right up to that time they were going on with
their sacrifices, going on with their Levitical order.
But that is not the point. You can have the form of
things, the system, and yet go to Babylon. It is the Word
of the Lord as a spiritual and living thing, which keeps
you free, clear, strong, out of Babylon.
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