The Ways of God

by T. Austin-Sparks

Date messages given unknown. Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.

There is a sovereignty behind the way in which the Lord deals with us in our lives here. In some cases there may be a very full and complete training along a certain line. In other cases, the way of the Lord's sovereign dealings with us may be different. Some He has led this way and some that. Some have been led for some reason (perhaps they do not know why) to take up this line of work or that, and they become efficient or trained in that. Others find that their background is different from their current task, but when looked at from the Lord's standpoint, the way the Lord has dealt with us is not meaningless or without value. There is something supernatural about this and not natural at all, in the service of God. This is the way of our calling: to constantly be reminded that we have not got it, we cannot do it; but on the other hand, that the Lord can, and the Lord is doing it. So, while we have no faith in ourselves, we have faith in the Lord over against ourselves. This is the way of true discipleship.

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