"The Spirit's Law of Life"

by T. Austin-Sparks

First published in "A Witness and A Testimony" magazines, Nov 1928, Vol. 6-11 - 6-12.

Every bit of the prospect in Life and in service depends upon His Resurrection. If you study that as a truth in the Word of God right through, not only in the New Testament, but in the Old, and especially in the New Testament in the actuality of the thing, you will find that everything rested upon the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus. You will find that every movement, the slightest gesture, every step of progress toward the realisation of the Eternal Purpose of God, was by reason of an uprising of that Risen Life; was upon a basis of Resurrection. Now you are launched out into a fairly large realm, but once you get that key, and once the Lord says that in your spirit you will find that your Bible will become a new book, absolutely alive, and wherever you look you will see the law and truth of Resurrection.

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