- What is Man?
by T. Austin-Sparks
This revised edition was published in 1951 by Witness and Testimony Publishers. The first edition was published in 1939.
- Chapters
- Preface
- Chapter 1 - Man's High Prospect and Destiny
An All-Important Distinction—Whence This Blindness?—The Generally Accepted Position—The Position as in the Word of God, A Comparison—Man Unique in Creation.
- Chapter 2 - Man Now Another Species than God Created
Man as created and constituted—The function of the human spirit—The nature of Adam's temptation—Adam's probation—The creation formula (Gen 2:7).
- Chapter 3 - Where Psychology Fails
What is it that is born again?—What is the place of the soul?
- Chapter 4 - The Nature of Sanctification
The problem of Romans 7, and 1 John 1:8,9,10; 3:4,6,8,9—The place in experience of Romans 7—The effect of spiritual awakening—Two possible evils - Romans 7, or Antinomianism—Two doctrines of sanctification—The real key to sanctification—Sanctification and education go together.
- Chapter 5 - Where Christendom is Deceived
The attributes of the human spirit—God's special concern.
- Chapter 6 - The Soul and Deception
Man by nature now a deceived creature—The organ of deception—Methods of deception—The peril of soulishness—A Divine safeguard against deception—Psychical movements in the name of Christ—The infallible test—Spiritual understanding.
- Chapter 7 - World Domination or Dominion?
The phenomenon of dictators—The eternal background—The historic course—Man, Satan's medium—Antichrist; four things about him—Behold the Man—The peril of man in Divine things—The One New Man, the measure of Christ.
- Chapter 8 - The Cross and the New Man
Diagram: The history of man from God's standpoint and his own.
- Chapter 9 - The Resurrection or Spiritual Body
The believer's life spiritual in origin, sustenance and consummation—The psycho-physical body and the spiritual body—Satan hates resurrection.
- Chapter 10 - The Soul, The Spirit and the Evil Spiritual Powers
Physical disorders and spiritual suffering—Demon domination and demon possession—The key to spiritism—The deepest reality of the child of God—Spiritual service or warfare.
- Chapter 11 - "The Spirit Himself"
The supreme importance of the Holy Spirit—The Holy Spirit's supreme object in this dispensation.
- Appendix