What is your conception of the Christian life? Have you got an adequate setting for being the Lord's? Thank God that we are saved. It is a good thing to be saved from hell, from judgement, doom, and the guilt and penalty of sin.... But is that adequate? It is good, but it is not the setting of the Christian life given to us in the Word of God. Those are only things which go towards the main thing. You will not get through your trials, afflictions, sufferings and adversities unless you have an adequate explanation of them, and God has given that. Oh, how wonderfully full is His unveiling in His Word, of the meaning of it all! How great it is to be a child of God, called unto His eternal glory, that God, the God of glory, should manifest His glory in you and me eventually, and is working on that line now, dealing with us as with sons. It is no small thing. I say again, have you got an adequate conception of what it means to be a Christian?