Such is the confidence of God's own, but righteousness is the girdle for such walking by faith. If our heart condemn us it is because God is greater than our hearts, and knoweth all things. How many secret misgivings that paralyse faith are due to some fundamental unrighteousness of the spirit. We have to remember, as God's children, that there is a righteousness in the Holy Spirit. There are often shadows between our hearts and the Lord of Glory because of some withheld obedience, and so the further good things of the Spirit are withheld. How can He conduct us farther on the path of Glory if we obey not the commandments of the Comforter? The secret disobedience to some call and challenge of the King is the cause of many an arrested life.
Nevertheless, His faithfulness to bless abides, but waits now upon our faithfulness. What is the next step of faith? It is this that will bring us once again into the Sunshine of His Presence. We may be sure that the clue to much lack of assurance and power today is due to a refusal to go forward with God. He is a Sun and Shield as long as we are pressing forward, this in the Spirit, to new obediences, new acts of faith and love. He would have His people free, free to Himself. Whatsoever He saith unto ye, Do it. This is the simple principle to all miracles of His transforming power. Yes, He will give grace and glory; and these are the two sides of One Divine Life.
May we receive the grace of a constant obedience to the Spirit that the Glory of the Christ may be revealed in us to the cloud of unseen witnesses.
Yours in this "Way,"
T. Austin-Sparks
T. Madoc-Jeffreys.
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