Editor's Letters
T. Austin-Sparks
July 1927
Beloved of our Lord,
There is no other way of running this arduous race of faith than
"looking-away" unto Jesus, with such a vision as we have of Him in
the Throne.
But it must be this vision, "Jesus, crowned with the Divine
Honour and Glory." The heavenly revelation of His absolute Lordship
in the Throne of God is the supreme incentive to faith. Such was
Paul's constant beholding of Him in the Spirit; and this was
Stephen's witness, for which he died, and surely by which he lived
through that brief and glorious time of testimony. So whether in the
heart, or face to face, this is the heavenly vision, "The Glory of
God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God."
Then looking away, or "looking-onward" unto Him. There is not only a
direction of the gaze toward Him, but a lifting of the eyes away
from near scenes and horizons suggested. Otherwise there must be
hesitation, doubt, fear, vacillation. Our only safe way of
adventuring this faith-path to the Throne is to maintain our
looking-away unto Jesus. Otherwise the spectacle of the
seemingly insuperable difficulties of the path to Him will daunt the
stoutest heart. Thus it was with Peter's venture upon the heaving
sea. There was the initial vision, "If it be Thou, Lord." There was
the confidence that it was the Lord Who thus called; but we read,
"when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid." So it always is,
when we lose sight of the Lord as the eyes are directed toward the
present and near troubles and problems to our faith. "JESUS, crowned"
is faith's incentive.
This becomes the habit of the believing heart. It is interesting to
note that this word "looking" is used only twice in the New
Testament, and the other reference is made by Paul with regard to
the events of his life in Phillipians 2:23: "as soon as I shall see
how it will go with me." He is in prison, of course. His earthly
vision is very narrowed, but he maintains vividly his heavenly
vision, for it is in this epistle we remember he has that glorious
passage about pressing on "toward the goal unto the prize, of the
high calling of God in Christ Jesus." His faith's view is God in
Christ, and therefore, he sees the things of time, the happenings
and circumstances of his life, coming along that path of glory. What
a way of looking at life! Seeing its events in the light of the
Throne, and often seeing them long beforehand, for this is surely
the implication: "as soon as I shall see." Coming events thus cast
not their shadows, but their glory, before them; for they are seen
coming in the will of God and along the line of His Purpose as we
are found "looking-away" unto Jesus.
This forward look makes the forward step of faith possible. Our
vision is not of the present anarchy, confusion, and menace of the
earth phase of the situation, but of the Sovereign security of the
Divine Will for us, His own.
Beloved, look away, and thus see your lives coming
to you as from His Throne.
Yours with such a vision,
T. Austin-Sparks
T. Madoc-Jeffreys.