Editor's Letters
T. Austin-Sparks
October 1926
Beloved of the Lord,
Have we "respect unto the recompense of the reward"? Do we discern
its Divine nature? For this is the vision that strengthens faith.
It was the secret of Moses' emboldening to essay and to effect that
ministry to which he was called. In all his trials of faith and
afflictions "he endured, as seeing Him Who is invisible." He beheld
"the Glory."
The glory of God appeared in the bush, and in the mount, and in the
passing-by the cleft in the rock; at the entrance of the tent of the
church, and between the cherubim over the mercy-seat. But these were
the occasional and dispensational manifestations of God's grace.
What sustained Moses day by day was the Invisible Glory he beheld by
faith, and he had respect unto the nature of the reward.
So with us. Blessed are they that believe, yet have not seen. We
rejoice upon the hope of the glory of God. But to us there has been
no manifestation to our sense. We see the glory of God in the face
of Jesus Christ, by faith. We know Him to be the God of Glory and
our Saviour. Yet now unseen and unrealised by sense. Still we behold
Jesus, crowned with glory and honour, even that of God. "In Him
dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily!"
This is faith. But there is hope also. We rejoice upon the hope of
that glory. We wait with steadfast endurance throughout this
so-called Christian age for it. What? To behold His glory - to see
Him as He is? Yes. But far more: Depth of His loving-kindness! To share
His glory: to be like Him! To be His brethren, in that day. To be
confessed as such by Him before the assembled universe. When Christ
Who is our life, shall be manifested, then shall we also be
manifested with Him IN GLORY! This is the nature, the character, of
the reward - His glory!
So we gladly share His shame, His despising, His forsakenness, His
toil of love. As He bore the reproach of His Father Whom the world
did not know, so we bear His reproach; for neither does the world
know Him, though it talks much about Him.
What matters then present trial, sorrow, defaming, conflict? If we
suffer with Him now, shall we not be also glorified
And so, rest of faith, assurance of God: He is faithful. And His
Yoke of the Great Compassion of the Cross is easy and light, for the
love of God poured forth in our hearts is our sustaining - while we
behold and worship that Eternal Glory, and know that the crowning
day is coming - very soon.
Yours in this swiftly-coming Hope,
T. Austin-Sparks,
T. Madoc-Jeffreys.