Editor's Letters
T. Austin-Sparks
January-February 1963
Dear Fellow-members of Christ,
With this issue of A Witness and a Testimony we commence its
thirty-seventh year of ministry. Firstly we acknowledge the faithful
mercy and grace of the One who called us to it, in the wonderful way
in which He has sustained and provided all through these years;
years fraught with no small conflict, pressure, and deep history.
Quite a volume could be written of the experiences of this large
segment of a lifetime. We can truly say with the Apostle: "Having
received the help which comes from God, we continue unto this day";
and we are not saying a small thing when we say that.
We began with a vision. We believe that it was a God-given vision.
This belief has been supported by many evidences, seeing that we
have never made any effort at propaganda or advertisement.
The vision was of a ministry in and through a Centre
to which and from which the Lord's people of all the world could
come and go with a fuller knowledge and enrichment of Himself. Into
this vision the Lord brought others who have gone to many parts
carrying - not another's ministry or vision, but - what the Lord has
shown to them, and led them into. We have steadfastly endeavoured to
keep this ministry available to all the Lord's people, and avoid
anything that is in the nature of exclusiveness, separateness, or
sectarianism. With the advance of years, changes in personnel,
understanding, and apprehension are inevitable, but, so far as this
paper is concerned, we hope to maintain its original purpose; but,
we trust, with growing richness, until its mission is terminated. We
pray that it may ever be bread for the hungry; life in the battle
with death; light for those who seek it; and - in all - a
contribution to that one heart-purpose of the Father, the fulness of
His Son, our Lord Jesus.
We do truly thank all who have given, and continue to give, their
spiritual as well as material support. We are very slow to believe
that we count for much, but, if the letters we receive from so many,
are to be taken seriously, there would be reason to believe that the
labour and battle is not in vain.
May the Lord make 1963 a year of great increase to - and of
- Himself.
Yours in His grace,
P.S. I should be very grateful for special prayer for guidance in
these coming months. It would seem that ministry at Honor Oak can
now be fully assumed by other brothers and that my own way would be
further afield, if the Lord still needs this voice. Another period
in the United States seems probable in the immediate future.