Position and Power - The Power of His Resurrection
Spiritual power is very largely a matter of spiritual position. It is not that we ask for power from God, but that we come into the position where the power of God operates. "If then ye were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God." If the power by which God raised Him from the dead has also operated in you, in raising you from the dead spiritually, then there must be a certain outworking of that, that must show itself in a continuous life in relation to the Lord Jesus, where He is at the right hand of God, and in relation to heavenly things. The proof of union with the Lord Jesus in resurrection life is that: that now everything for us is related to Him where He is, and to the things above, things heavenly. Resurrection means a new life in a new realm where all the old conditions have ceased. Resurrection union with the Lord Jesus is to walk in a newness of life.