Dear fellow-members of Christ,
This issue of the Witness and Testimony closes another year of its ministry, bringing the total to 33 years. I wonder how many more before He comes, or we are with Him? We cannot do other than record our gratitude to our Lord for all these 33 years represent of His grace and faithfulness. This ministry for so long has not been maintained without heavy conflicts and cost. But through all, it has gone on uninterrupted, in peace and war; in sorrow and rejoicing; in good report and evil report; and, although our hearts have sometimes failed, there has been no diminishing, but today it is still growing. To all the large family of those who have registered appreciation, and, in various ways, been an inspiration to us to continue, we give our warmest gratitude as this year closes. Only as we are assured that it is still needed will we continue its publication, with the Lord's help; for we have no interest in keeping up anything from which "the glory has departed".
Although it can only be a comparative matter, for it is small when compared with the vast numbers of Christians in the world, it is - in its measure - a test of spiritual hunger. No one will ever charge us with lightness or superficiality. We know right well that it is not light reading or easy of acceptation. It is therefore very gratifying to know that there are many who are hungry enough to appreciate and reach out for food of this kind. It is no doubt but an indication of so much greater hunger than we know. While we are often appalled at the superficiality of so much that engages the Lord's people, it is good to be able to discern a reaction - if not a revolt - against this, and a growing demand for that which is "solid meat". It is a good sign! But it is fraught with much opposition of every kind, from open antagonism at one end, to subtle detraction at the other.
Pray for us, dear friends, that the door may still be kept open - and may open still more widely - for 'speaking the mystery of Christ'; in other words, for revealing the greatness of His significance in God's eternal order.
Yours in His grace,