Some years ago we came into the possession of a little German booklet by T. Austin-Sparks, called 'Die Rechte Gottes'.
It was not the translation of an English publication by 'A Witness and a Testimony', but written by a deaconess from the notes she took during a conference with brother Sparks, at the main Deaconess House, Gümligen, Switzerland, in 1936.
The reader should therefore not expect the usual T. Austin-Sparks style, and of course it is in a condensed form.
Nevertheless, we were greatly blessed by it and send it out with the prayer that in these last days, God may have His rights amongst His people.
Original Foreword
The following messages are a free rendering of messages given by T. Austin-Sparks at the main Deaconess House ('Siloah', Gümligen, Bern, Switzerland, 1936). In thankfulness for the rich blessing received of the Lord, we now send them out in print with the prayer that the Lord Himself will place them in the hands of those whose hearts are prepared and that God will possess in them His full rights.
May the Lord use this little book to prepare His church for His soon return. With the Spirit and with the Bride we cry: "Come quickly, Lord Jesus!"