The Stewardship of the Mystery - Volume 2
T. Austin-Sparks
Chapter 10 - The All-Inclusive Goal
“Till we all attain unto... the measure of the
stature of the fulness of Christ” (Ephesians
Everything before this and after it in this Letter has
its focus upon this clause. Do you ask, “What is
this whole Letter about?” The answer is in four
words: “The Fulness of Christ.” The two usages
of this word “Fulness” by the Apostle in this
Letter not only sum up the whole Letter, but present the
most wonderful and remarkable thing in this wonderful
document and, indeed, the most wonderful thing in the
Bible. In chapter 1, verse 23, the astounding
statement is that the Church, which is the Body of
Christ, is “the fulness of Him That filleth all in
all.” That seems clearly to mean that Christ can no
more be full as Head without His body to make Him
complete: that He needs and depends upon His body for His
self-realization and self-expression. Closer still: He
“filleth all in all” and yet requires His body
in order to fulfill His filling. The body is the fulness,
the completing of Him. In 4:13
the finality of that truth is pushed along a line to a
future climax. “Till we all attain” is
linked with a vari-sided provision of functions. We are
informed that, on His return to heaven—“When He
ascended on high” —the Lord Jesus forthwith
“gave gifts unto men.” These were personal
gifts, or gifts as persons, and they were men taken
captive by Him. But these men were the expression of
various functions: ‘Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists,
Pastors and Teachers’— different functions,
each one given “grace according to the measure of
their gift,” but all together bound and
energized by one object. The
Apostle—inclusive; the other three (Pastors and
Teachers being one function) making up one interrelated
and interdependent ministry. These are not
different “Schools” or categories working
apart, but only different aspects or functions of one
body. There has to be mutual recognition, mutual
evaluation and mutual co-operation. The separating of
these functions can only result in an unbalanced
condition, and lack of balance always results in weakness
and loss. To give an unbalanced emphasis to evangelism is
only to have immature Christians. To give
out-of-proportion weight to teaching may result in the
introversion which is divorced from objective concern for
men’s salvation.
In a local assembly, constituted by the Holy
Spirit, for its full-growth, all of these functions
should be present. Those who minister should know what
their particular gift, grace and anointing is; and the
assembly also ought to know it. Things are thrown into
confusion when there is a trying to be and do what the
anointing is not meant for. What pathetic, and even
tragic, situations come about when men try to be that for
which they are not anointed! A leader must be obviously
anointed for that function, and the anointing must be
accepted and acknowledged. The same must be true of all
other parts of the one ministry. But each personal gift must—and
this is absolutely imperative—must keep the
one inclusive goal in view, and definitely contribute to
it—“The fulness of Christ,” because it is
a “measure of the gift of Christ.” The question
may arise as to knowing what our particular function is.
The answer in general will, of course, be that as we seek
to be a responsible member of the body, in the local
church, we find that the Holy Spirit “burdens”
us and exercises us in a particular way. Note: this is
not official. That is, it is not by our being appointed
by men, or by our assumption, but by our spontaneous and
voluntary exercise in concern for Christ’s interests
in His body. The Lord save His body, and its ministering
members, from the pathetic scene of ministries which are
not the definite projecting of “He gave...”;
He gave; not man chose, appointed, or
“opened the platform” to anyone who
would take it. The “giving” of the ascended
Lord is selective, specific and deliberate.
We must here indicate something very precious and helpful
in this connection in New Testament procedure. It is
indicated in First Timothy, chapter four, verse fourteen,
and implicit in various other instances. “Neglect
not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by
prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the
presbytery.” The “Presbytery” here does
not necessarily mean special Apostles, but surely 1 Timothy 5:17—“Let the
elders that rule well.” True, Paul did speak of
“the gift of God, which is in thee through the
laying on of my hands” (2 Tim. 1:16). It would seem
clear that, at some time, there was a praying over the
members of Christ’s body, and in the praying the
Holy Spirit constrained to ask for some particular
qualification by which the persons concerned would make a
specific contribution to the ministry in the body.
Elsewhere Paul exhorted Timothy to “do the work of
an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry” (2
Tim. 4:5; A.V.), and to Archippus he sent a specific
message that he should “take heed to the ministry
which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil
it” (Col. 4:17). It might be a very good thing if all
ministries were the result of such specific action in
prayer! There would be a much greater “attaining
unto the fulness of Christ,” and much less of the
ineffective and unprofitable “wisdom (or otherwise)
of men.”
Our passage in Ephesians 4:13 indicates
that the body, whether universal or locally represented
should, by the ministries, be making progress toward the
ultimate fulness. The words are “the building up of
the body of Christ.” “Edifying” in the
Authorized Version is misleading because it conveys the
idea of “headifying.” While it is corporate
growth, it, of course, must be true of each member. While
Paul mixes his metaphors, at one time speaking of a
Temple and the next of the body, he eventually comes down
fully on the body as “the full-grown man,” and
what he means by building up is seen in 4:14: “no longer children.” It is the
transition from childhood in which the persons concerned
are always having to be nursed and, like children, draw
attention all the time to themselves, to becoming such as
can take spiritual responsibility and care for others,
with the outward-looking concern for the other members of
the body. It is a matter of coming into an increasing
measure of Christ.
“Till...” represents process and progress;
“we all attain” is the corporate object;
“the fulness of Christ”— the goal reached.
From chapter 4, verses 10 to 15, we are thrown
backward to the election, the calling, and vocation, to
the relevant conduct and walk, and onward to the conflict
and the demand for “standing.” Everything
relates to and focuses upon “Attaining unto the
fulness of Christ.”