The Stewardship of the Mystery - Volume 2
T. Austin-Sparks
Chapter 3 - Spying Out the Land
On two occasions, when Israel was contemplating entering
the Land of the Covenant and Promise, spies were sent
over beforehand. The first was disastrous because it was
the decision of the people governed by self-interest, and
although Moses complied and the Lord acquiesced, the
secret motive was eventually betrayed. After long and
deep discipline the principle of “the delight of the
Lord” was present and faith triumphed. The spies can
go with approval and blessing when the motive is that of
the Lord’s glory, not man’s. We would believe
that the move from First Corinthians chapter ten to
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, corresponds to that
change from the first to the second spying out of the
Land. May ours answer to the second as we contemplate the
glorious Land!
Of the preliminary considerations these are some:
(1) Paul himself was—when writing—aware that
what he had been shown by the Lord was beyond his power
of utterance. The very phrase “unsearchable riches”
implies this. It could be correctly translated “untraceable,”
or “unexplorable.” Beyond tracing, beyond
exploring, beyond searching out. Paul knew himself to be
attempting an impossible task. He requested these
believers in Asia to pray for him “that utterance
may be given unto me in opening my mouth, to make
known... the mystery...” (Eph. 6:19). He was
labouring to speak the unspeakable, to fathom the
unfathomable, to comprehend the incomprehensible. The
paradox of preaching the unpreachable characterizes these
final Letters. If that was true of that man,
what can we do more than behold at a distance!
(2) What Paul did and did not set
himself to do. Paul—in these final writings—did
not set himself to write a treatise on this or that
theme, subject, or doctrine. There is all the difference in
this respect between “Ephesians” and
“Galatians” or “Romans.” No
particular threat to the faith led him—as in those
Letters—to write this the greatest of all, although
that may have been partly true of “Colossians.”
In “Ephesians” Paul is not “reasoning,”
arguing, debating. He is not setting down his “Philosophy
of Christianity.” He had a wide and rich knowledge
of the philosophies and religious ideas of the world in
which he had moved. But he is not minded to deal with
these or to compare the other religions with
Christianity. What Paul did do in this Letter to
Asia and, through Asia, to all whom Asia touched (and
unconsciously to us) was to make a mighty proclamation.
Here we have a man making a proclamation. He is just
giving out, with a heart too full for articulation, an
“utterance.” It is like an imperative broadcast
for which the microphone is too small and inadequate.
This is not something that he had thought out and was the
product of his great brain. He attributed it to a “revelation”
given him by the initiative of God. This that he is
penning is a vital and, in a sense, a consummate
presentation of the long process of God’s
self-disclosure, and it embodies God’s full and
final revelation of His eternal purpose. It is because it
is of this nature that Paul falls on his knees and prays
a special prayer for his readers (1:15–17). It is
because of a fixed and unalterable law and principle
which he has enunciated so clearly and emphatically
elsewhere (1 Cor. 2:14–16) that spiritual things,
things of the Spirit, can only be understood by spiritual
people, people of the Spirit. We have to come on this
later, but all that is before us in this Letter will be
little or not more than written mysteries if we do not
pray this same prayer on this same necessity before we go
any further.
(3) The last Letters, being so inclusive in substance,
naturally gather up in allusion, if not in restatement,
many of the matters touched on incidentally in former
Letters. So, in allusion, we have vital points in Romans,
Corinthians, Galatians, etc. It would require much time
and space to trace and tabulate the instances. Some great
words will be indicative, such as “Redemption,”
“Spiritual,” “Sons,” “Grace,”
“Adoption,” “Foreordained,” etc.
(4) Our method will be different from that usually
employed in studying these (and other) Letters. In order
that Bible students may obtain a quick, easy and simple
grasp of the books, the Letters are usually reduced by
Bible teachers to outlines according to the content and
subjects mainly mentioned. This is a very valuable and
helpful method. So we have such helpful outlines and
analyses (of Ephesians) as Dr. Campbell Morgan’s The
Church—1. The Heavenly Calling. 2. The Earthly
Conduct, each of these two sections being divided
into three more. Or we have Miss Ruth Paxon’s The
Wealth, Walk and Warfare of the Christian; or that
little book by Watchman Nee, Sit, Walk, Stand.
We have not an idea that we can at all improve on such,
but that is not the method which we are employing, and we
hasten to say so. From the following you will not be
given a “bird’s eye view”, as we usually
describe a general look at things; unless it is an eagle’s
eye which sees vast ranges from great altitudes. In this
sense “Ephesians” does take up the eagle aspect
of the Cherubim—mystery and heavenliness. Our method
will be—as it were—to hover over some of the
eminences rising from this landscape, or, to keep to our
title, to stand and gaze with wonder at some of “the
unsearchable riches of Christ” which are presented
in these final writings, especially in “Ephesians.”
This, then, is what we meant by “Spying out the
Land.” At most we can but glimpse the greatnesses
which are embodied in this Letter. But if we could see
them; free from all prejudice, bias and natural
influences, we should return with the same wonder and
assurance as did the spies of the second investigation.