Chapter 8 - The Heavenly Man as the Source and Sphere of Corporate Unity
The Unifying Centre
Now you see Zion is there as a great unifying factor. People from all directions are coming in procession. Some have joined the caravan at various places as it has moved on from its most distant point, and they find that although they may never have met before on earth; although they may only just have come into touch with one another for the first time in their lives; although their paths may lie far apart in ordinary life, their sphere of life and service be divided and separate, Zion makes them a unity. Immediately the thoughts of Zion are in their hearts, immediately they think of Zion and move toward Zion, all scatteredness, separateness, divisiveness passes out, and they are as one man. Zion has unified them.
Now let us mark what is brought before us in Psalm one
hundred and thirty-two.
“Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my
house, nor go up into my bed; I will not give
sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to mine
eyelids; until I find out a place for the Lord, a
tabernacle for the Mighty One of Jacob.... Arise, O Lord,
into Thy resting place; Thou, and the ark of Thy
strength.... This is My resting place for ever: here will
I dwell; for I have desired it. I will abundantly bless
her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread”
(Ps. 132:3–8,14,15).
The first factor in the basis of the blessing is God’s
satisfaction, God finding His satisfaction: “Arise,
O Lord, into Thy resting place....” Here we have the
Lord coming to rest in His House. This is not to be
interpreted mentally in a literal way. It is a case of
the Lord having a ground of perfect satisfaction, the
Lord having things according to His own mind, His own
heart, the Lord just finding what He has been seeking all
the time: “This is My resting place for ever....”
The Lord has been provided with that which answers to His
own heart’s desire, and it is therefore possible to
say to Him, “Arise, O Lord, into Thy resting
David’s concern was that the Lord should be satisfied first of all. You will notice from the passage we have quoted that he sets aside all that is his own. With David, the Lord takes first place.
Christ—God’s All and Ours
Let us carry that over to the New Testament for
interpretation, for it is there that we shall find the
spiritual meaning. We are meditating upon “ALL
THINGS IN CHRIST,” and amongst these things, and by
no means least, is God’s satisfaction, God’s
coming to rest in His Tabernacle. That is what was in
point when the Spirit, descending in the form of a dove,
lighted upon the Lord Jesus. The dove returning to her
rest in the Ark typified the Spirit coming to rest in
Christ, the satisfaction of God: “This is My beloved
Son in Whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:17). I find
My rest, I am perfectly satisfied, here I have all My
desire. So the Spirit as a dove, the symbol of peace and
rest, lighted upon Him. The Lord Jesus answers to all the
desire of God’s heart, and in Him God enters into
His rest.
When you and I set aside all our interests, and focus and
concentrate all our concern upon the Lord Jesus, so that
He has first place, has all, we have provided God with
His rest in our lives, thus paving the way for the
blessing. “There the Lord commanded the blessing....”
Where? Firstly, where He found His rest, His
satisfaction, His joy. The Lord does not bless you and me
as our natural selves. The Lord will not bless my flesh,
nor your flesh. The blessing of the Lord comes to rest
upon His Son as within us: “...the anointing which
ye received of Him abideth in you...” (1 John 2:27).
Remember that the blessing of the Lord, the anointing,
the precious ointment, is upon the Head. It comes down to
us only as from the Head, by way of the Head, and it is
when Christ by His Spirit has come to rest in us that the
blessing rests there. The blessing rests upon Him in us,
and that is why it abides. Thank God, it abides. This, if
we do but recognize it, is one of the chief blessings of
our life in union with the Lord. We in ourselves do not
abide for five minutes! We can be as changeable as the
weather. In the morning we may be one man, and in the
afternoon another, and in the evening quite another. We
may be as many different people in the course of the week
as there are days. At one time we feel splendid
spiritually and think we shall never, never be down
again, but it is not long before we are right down. We
vary like that; we become familiar with every movement
that this human life is capable of knowing. If we live in
that soul-life of constantly changing moods, oh, what a
distressing life it is. But the anointing which you have
received abideth. Why is this? Because it abides upon
Him, not upon us, and He is “the same, yesterday,
and today, and for ever.” There is no changing on
the part of the Lord Jesus in us. With Him, there is no
variableness, neither shadow cast by turning. Oh, the
changes that sweep over our lives because of the
changeableness of this human life; but there He is in us
ever the same. We may have a thousand moods in as many
hours, but He never changes, He is always the same. The
anointing abides upon Him in us. Oh, that we should live
in Christ, live in the anointing, live in that unvarying
fact of God in Christ, unchangeable. He does not love us
in the morning and turn against us in the afternoon.
However we may feel it to be so, such is not the case.
“I have loved thee with an everlasting love.”
Our moods would lead us to conclude that today the Lord
loves us, and tomorrow that He is against us; today that
the Lord is with us, tomorrow that He has departed from
us. That is our infirmity. That is of ourselves and not
of the Lord. The Lord is not us, in that way. The Lord is
not our moods, our feelings, our sensations, or our lack
of sensations. The Lord is the same always, the same
faithful, unchangeable God, and the anointing abideth. It
does not come and go. It does not rise and fall. It is
not in and out, up and down, one day this and the next
day that; it abides.
The enjoyment of that is only possible when Christ is the focal point of our lives. God comes to rest in His Son, and finds His satisfaction there. You must come there in order to find God’s rest, and then the blessing is there. The Lord commands the blessing in the place where He has His rest, that is, in the Lord Jesus. But then Christ is in you: “...Thou, and the ark of Thy strength.” That is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Christ as God’s Rest in the Heart
So then, the first aspect of the basis of the blessing is that of our knowing God’s rest in His Son, Jesus Christ, in our own lives. He Himself put it in language which had to be more or less symbolic, or parabolic. “Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matt. 11:29). “Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (verse 28). We know what that means in the spirit. When we were children we may have thought it to be a word for labouring men in life’s labours and toil, but we have come to know that this labouring and being heavy laden has mainly to do with these changeable moods of ours. We are labouring against the current, the tide, the stress of our own instability, our own uncertainty, our own oft-doubting and questioning, our feelings: and it is a labour when you live in that realm! The Lord Jesus says, “...I will give you rest.” How will He do this? Well, He will come into you, take up His abode in you as the seat and centre of the deepest satisfaction, and you need have no more question. Are you straining and struggling over the question of whether the Lord is satisfied with you? You had better cease from it, because He never will be. If you are looking and longing for that day when the Lord is going to be perfectly satisfied with you, you are looking for a very distant day. If you are hoping that some day the Lord will be very pleased with you, and then you will be very happy, that day is not coming this side of glory. What we have to realize—and it is a truth so often repeated, and yet not grasped enough by our hearts—is that the Lord is never going to be satisfied with us as in ourselves, but He is already perfectly satisfied with His Son Whom He has given to dwell in our hearts as the seat of His satisfaction, and we are accepted in the Beloved. Then the blessing comes. We see how the blessing works out.
Dwelling Together in Unity
Now we come to the second aspect of the basis of the
“Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren
to dwell together in unity!” (Ps. 133:1).
We have seen it in the illustration, the foreshadowing,
namely, of Zion uniting all hearts, making all one,
drawing away from everything personal, everything
sectional. Now when the heart is centred upon the Lord
Jesus, we have the greatest power and dynamic against
division, against separateness, against everything that
keeps us apart, and when the Lord Jesus is our central,
supreme object, and it is toward Him that our hearts go
out, then we come into a unity. You cannot have personal
interests and at the same time care for the interests of
the Lord. David makes that perfectly clear. “The
tabernacle of my house,” that is one thing;
and if I consider that, then I shall not be set upon a
house for the Lord; if I am set upon that, then I shall
not find a place for the Lord’s rest. If I am
seeking to satisfy my desire, giving sleep to my
eyes, and slumber to my eyelids, then the Lord’s
interests will take a second place. But when I set myself
aside, with all that is personal, and I am centred upon
the Lord, and when all the others do that too, we shall
find our perfect uniting centre in Christ. That is what
it is to dwell in unity.
Now Ephesians four is the great New Testament exposition
of Psalm one hundred and thirty-three: “There
is one body....” Read the passage without the
italicized words: “...Giving diligence to keep the
unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace... one body, and
one Spirit... one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God
and Father of all, Who is over all, and through all, and
in all” (verses 3-6). Oneness in Christ as a body
fitly framed together is what is portrayed. How is this
perfect unity reached? By all that is individual and
personal being left, by the Lord being the focal centre,
and by our giving diligence to maintain the unity in that
way; keeping all personal things out, and keeping Christ
and His interests always in view: “...till we all
attain unto the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge
of the Son of God, unto a full-grown man....” (verse
13). Dwelling together in unity in that way, is the
result of His being the sole and central object of all
our concerns. This is not visionary, imaginative, merely
idealistic, it is very practical. You and I will discover
that there are working elements of divisiveness, things
creeping in amongst us to set us apart. The enemy is
always seeking to do that, and the things that rise up to
get in between the Lord’s people and put up a
barrier are countless; a sense of strain and of distance,
for example, of discord and of unrelatedness. Sometimes
they are more of an abstract character; that is, you can
never lay your hand upon them and explain them, and say
what they are; it is just a sense of something. Sometimes
it is more positive, a distinct and definite
misunderstanding, a misinterpretation of something said
or done, something laid hold of; and of course, it is
always exaggerated by the enemy.
How is that kind of thing to be dealt with in order to
keep the unity of the Spirit? Rightly, adequately on this
basis alone, by our saying: ‘This is not to the Lord’s
interests; this can never be of value to the Lord; this
can never be to His glory and satisfaction; this can only
mean injury to the Lord.’ What I may feel in the
matter is not the vital consideration. I may even be the
wronged party, but am I going to feel wronged and hurt?
Am I going to stand on my dignity? Am I going to shut
myself up and go away, because I have been wronged? That
is how nature would have it, but I must take this
attitude: ‘The Lord stands to lose, the Lord’s
Name stands to suffer, the Lord’s interests are
involved in this; I must get on top of this; I must get
the better of this; I must shake this thing off and not
allow it to affect my attitude, my conduct, my feelings
towards this brother or sister!’ There must be the
putting aside of that which we feel, and even of our
rights for the Lord’s sake, and a getting on top of
this enemy effort to injure the Lord’s testimony.
That is giving diligence to keep the unity. That is the
power of a victory over divisiveness, and is the victory
for unity, and there the Lord commands the
blessing. That is the way of eternal life. The other way
is manifestly the way of death, and that is what the
enemy is after. Until that difference is cleared up, all
is death, all is withered and blighted. Life is by unity,
and unity can only adequately be found in Christ being in
His place as the One for Whom we let go everything that
is personal. We might not do it for the sake of anyone
else. We might never do it for the sake of the person in
view. We do it for His sake, and the enemy is defeated.
There the Lord commands the blessing.
Such, then, is the twofold aspect of the basis of the
blessing. Firstly, God’s ground of satisfaction and
rest must be equally our own, namely, His Son; and,
secondly, we must dwell together therein.
Take the great illustration in the second chapter of
the Book of the Acts. Here is the greatest exhibition of
the working of this truth that the world has ever seen.
“But Peter, standing up with the eleven....”
There are brethren together in unity! The Lord also has
entered into His rest. By the Cross the Father has found
His satisfaction in the Son; the Lord has entered into
His heavenly Tabernacle. All is rest now in heaven: God
is satisfied, the reconciling work has been done in the
Blood of the Cross, peace has been made, and God has
entered into His rest in the perfect work of redemption.
Now the eyes of all the Apostles are on the Lord Jesus;
and as they stand up He is in full view. Peter has left
all those personal things behind. They have all left the
personal things now, and their whole object is Christ.
Standing up now, their testimony is all to Christ, and
they are one, united in Him; and there the Lord commanded
the blessing, even life for evermore, such blessing as
was like the precious ointment coming down from the head
to the skirts of the garment.
The figure is perfect, as a figure. There is the Head,
the Lord Jesus, and the Father has commanded the blessing
in the pouring of the eternal Spirit upon the Head. Now
as all these members are ranged under the Head, centred
in the Head, held together in the Head, the blessing
comes down to the skirts of His garment, and it is “
the dew of Hermon that cometh down upon the mountains of
Zion....” That is the effect of the blessing, that
is the effect of life for evermore. What is the dew of
Hermon? If you had lived in that country, you would know
the value of the dew of Hermon. It is a parched and
shrivelled land, with everything dry and becoming barren,
and then the dew of Hermon comes down and everything
revives, everything is refreshed, everything lifts up its
head and lives again. It is the beneficent result of the
blessing; life, freshness, hope, reviving, fruitfulness.
There the Lord commanded the blessing.
Do you see the way of life, the way of fruitfulness,
of reviving, of refreshing, the way of blessing? Two
things are basic. These are our coming to the place of
God’s rest in His Son, and our letting go of
everything that is of ourselves in the interests of His
Son, and finding our all in Him. Thus are we drawn
together by our mutual love for the Lord. Oh that we had
more of the expression of this. I think that is why the
Lord is bringing the matter before us; not for the
message to be merely as a blessed prospect, a word that
has a happy ring about it and that gives us a certain
amount of uplift while it is being spoken, but for it to
be a strong call from the Lord. Do we want the blessing?
Do we want life for evermore, life more abundant? Do we
want refreshing, and fruitfulness, and reviving, and
uplift? Do we want that others also should get the
blessing through us? Look at Pentecost. Pentecost is the
outworking of Psalm one hundred and thirty-three; for
there brethren were dwelling together in unity, centred
upon the Lord, and in the Lord, and the Lord commanded
the blessing.
There is nothing very profound in this, but it is of no
less importance on that account. It is yet another way of
bringing the Lord Jesus into view, of showing Him as the
centre, as supreme. But, oh, it is a call from the Lord,
a serious and solemn call from the Lord to our hearts.
The way of fruitfulness, the way of blessing, the way of
freshness, the way of joy is to be in this way that is
under the blessing of the Lord, because we have found our
rest where He has found His, in the Lord Jesus; because
the object of our hearts, for which we have set aside all
lesser objects, all personal interests, is the object of
His own, even His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. There the
Lord commands the blessing, even life for evermore.
May He be able to do that with us. Oh, that it might be said in days to come as never hitherto “...there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore,” because of these two great governing realities, both of which are centred in the Lord Jesus.
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