Chapter 5 - His Excellent Greatness
(1) Supreme Dominion
We mark that it is said
of Solomon that he was king over all Israel and that he
had dominion over all the region beyond the river; and a
greater than Solomon is here. The first feature, then, is
this of his supreme dominion, his excelling lordship,
kingship, sovereignty. That is of tremendous practical
value. It operated, as we see, in two realms; he was king
over all Israel, and he had dominion over all the region beyond
the river.
Those statements suggest that the Lord Jesus is not only
King within the compass of those who acknowledge Him as
Lord, His own saved ones, but that, in spite of what may
seem, He is King in a far wider sense. We are moving much
in the realm of Ephesians in our consideration, and in
Ephesians it is the universal sovereignty of the Lord
Jesus that is brought before us, not only His relation to
the Church. He is Head over the Church which is His Body,
He is Lord there, but He is, in addition, far above all
rule and authority, principality and power. He is now
universal Lord. It does not appear like it; everything
would seem to contradict the fact; but we need to be
given sight to see that the Kingship, the Lordship, the
Universal Dominion of the Lord Jesus at this present time
does not necessarily mean that all are enjoying that
Lordship, nor that for all within the universe is it a
beneficent reign. But even if that be the case, it does
not alter the fact. There are other things which also
point to the fact in a very positive way.
Of course, our trouble
is that we take such short views. We are children of a
span of time, and that span of time is of such great
importance with us that our view of things is so narrow.
If we could but take the long view, and see things from
God’s standpoint, how different would be the result
in our own hearts. In saying that, we have in mind the
widespread denial of the Kingship, the Lordship, the
Sovereignty of the Lord Jesus Christ. This period of the
world’s history is called the day of His rejection
and there is a verse of a hymn that commences thus:
Our Lord is now rejected,
And by the world disowned.
But it is not so easy a matter to put the Lord Jesus
aside. Men may reject, nations may reject, may seek to
put Him out, deny Him a place, repudiate His rights,
refuse to acknowledge His claims and His Lordship, but
that does not get rid of Him. God has set His King upon
His Throne. Of the Son He has said, “Thy throne, O
God, is for ever and ever...” (Heb. 1:8). Nothing
can upset that. The attitude of men, the attitude of the
world, cannot interfere with that, cannot depose the Lord
Jesus. It may be said: That is a statement, but how will
you prove it? Well, there are evidences. We have evidence
that He is Lord, that He is holding things in His own
Sovereign hand, that nothing can take His place.
The Witness of History
Look at history and see what has tried to take the place of the Lord Jesus in sovereignty; tried to do what only the Lord Jesus could do; tried to bring about a state of things, to accomplish which is put into the power of the Son alone, and see how far those efforts have succeeded. Anything, which seeks to bring about a state of things which the Lord Jesus alone can establish is doomed. You can see it repeated through history again and again. World dominion has been sought by one and another. Things which were ideals, magnificent conceptions for the world, have been attempted, and they have all failed, all broken down. Kingdoms and empires, despots, dictators, monarchs, have risen to a tremendous height, some of them having great sway, but the empire has broken and passed, the reign has broken down. So you have these things coming and going all the way through history; and, mark you, the whole matter is related to the Lord Jesus.
Read the Book of Daniel
again, and you will perceive the realm in which we are
moving. There you have the prophetic unveiling of world
empires; Babylonia, the empire of the Medes and Persians,
then that of the Greeks, and on to the great Roman
Empire; they all pass in review, and pass away. The
lesson of the Book of Daniel is this, that there is but One
Whom God has appointed to be universal Lord, and that no
one else can hold that place. Others may go a long way,
but they can never gain that place, and so they must
pass. We may yet see great powers coming into being, vast
ranges of territory under one sway, but all this will
pass. The matter is held in the hands of the Lord Jesus.
All this endeavour is doomed from its birth to go so far,
and then pass out. The Lord Jesus alone can have world
dominion. He alone can bring universal peace. He alone
can bring prosperity to all nations. That is held in
reserve for Him and His reign. Till then there will be
fluctuations and variations in world fortunes, but it
will all pass.
This passing, this breakdown, this confusion, this
deadlock is all because the course of things is in His
hands, and He is holding it all unto Himself. He is King!
He is Lord! It is a tremendous thing to recognize that
the very course of the nations, the very history of this
world, is held in the hands of the Lord Jesus unto His
own destined end. God has for ever set His Son as the
only One to be full, complete, and final Lord of His
universe, King of kings and Lord of lords, with a
beneficent sway and reign over all the earth. Peace and
prosperity is locked up with the Lord Jesus, and He holds
the destiny of nations unto that. Men may attempt it of
themselves, and they may go a long way to usurp His
place, but the end is foreseen, foreshown. He must come
whose right it is, and of His Kingdom there shall be
no end. It has commenced in heaven; it is already
vested in Him and held in His hands. That is how we must
read history. That is how we must read our daily papers.
That is how we shall be saved from the evil depression
and despair that would creep into our hearts as we mark
the state of things in this world. All is being held by
Him to a certain end. The meaning is that nothing
can take the place of the Lord Jesus.
You can apply that in
various ways, and in different directions. It explains
the history of the so-called church, the history of
Christendom. Why is it that what professes to be of
Christ, but in reality is not, breaks down, continually
breaks down all the way through history? Simply because
it is something assuming the place of Christ, which is
not of Christ. Failure is written upon it from the
beginning. Everything that is not of Christ is going to
break down; and it does break down. Though a thing may
begin with Christ and evidence a measure of Christ,
immediately it moves beyond the range of Christ and
becomes of man, its end is in view.
That is the explanation of things which God has raised up
in relation to His Son, things which were pure and true,
but of which, because of the blessing resting upon them,
men have taken hold. Whenever this has been done the end
of these things has come into view, that is, as a
spiritual force. Why is this? It has gone beyond Christ,
it has gone outside of Christ, and nothing can take the
place of Christ. Oh, how necessary it is to abide wholly
in Christ, to be wholly of Christ, according to Christ,
governed by the Holy Spirit. He operates His Sovereignty
against the success, the prosperity, the final triumph of
anything and everything that is not of Himself, and if we
want the Sovereignty of the Lord Jesus on our side, then
we have to be utterly on the side of the Lord Jesus;
otherwise that Sovereignty works against us. The world
confusion, and the world trouble, and the world despair,
is all a mighty evidence that Jesus is Lord, because it
is a world that is trying to get on without Him, but
cannot do so. No! He says it cannot be done. He says: I
am essential! I am indispensable! If you would have it
otherwise, then you must learn that without Me it cannot
We could spend all our time considering Solomon’s dominion and kingship. He was king over Israel, and had dominion over all the land beyond the river. But we must pass on to consider another feature in which Solomon foreshadows the excellency of the Lord Jesus.
(2) The Bounty of Solomon’s Table
Solomon’s provision for one day was thirty measures
of fine flour, and three score measures of meal; ten fat
oxen, and twenty oxen out of the pastures, and an hundred
sheep, beside harts, and gazelles, and roebucks, and
fatted fowl.” That is a great day’s feast for
Solomon! What does this speak of, if not of the
bountifulness of Solomon. This is no mean fare, no
starvation diet! “A greater than Solomon is
When by the Holy Spirit we really come into the knowledge
of the Lord Jesus, there is no need to starve
spiritually. Oh, the tragedy of starving believers, with
such a King! The tragedy, the unspeakable grief of
children of the Lord spiritually starving! The fact is
there is a fulness for His people which far excels that
of Solomon.
Read the Gospel by John
again with this one thought in mind, and you will see how
the truth receives confirmation from the earthly life of
the Lord Jesus. Take chapter six, with its great incident
of the feeding of the multitude, all leading up to the
spiritual interpretation: “I am the bread....”
His disciples broke down in faith at one point, and He
was amazed: “Do ye not yet perceive, neither
remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how
many baskets ye took up? Neither the seven loaves of the
four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?”
(Matt. 16:9,10). He was amazed at their failure to
understand that in Him was not only enough, but
abundance. There is something wrong with us if we have
not discovered it to be so. The fulness of Christ is for
our spiritual satisfaction. There is abundance of food.
Again, consider not only the pathetic tragedy, but the
wicked tragedy of starvation. What is it that is keeping
the Lord’s people out of fulness? Very largely it is
prejudice, the Devil’s trick of putting up the
barrier of prejudice between the need and the supply. Oh,
the wickedness of the Devil in coming in by these works
of blinding to starve the Lord’s people. There is
bread in Christ. He is an inexhaustible fulness for the
spiritual life. We know that we shall come to the same
position as Paul, when he cried, “...that I may know
Him...” —that is, to a consciousness of there
being a knowledge beyond anything that we have yet
attained unto, and where everything is counted as nothing
compared with that. This is not mere words, it is true.
There is bread in the Lord Jesus; there is bread in His
house. This is where He is superior to Solomon. There is
bread for a mighty host, a company capable of doing
greater justice to His fare than ever Solomon’s
household could do. If they had sat down to his bounty,
they could have gone so far and no farther, but our
appetite will go on. We have a spiritual capacity which
is growing, and growing all the time, unto the fulness of
Christ. Solomon’s bounty, then, is another feature
by which he foreshadows the excellent greatness of the
Lord Jesus. We touch but briefly on a third.
(3) The Glory of Solomon
The glory of Solomon is
proverbial. Even the Lord Jesus spoke of it as being so:
“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow;
they toil not, neither do they spin: yet I say unto you,
that even Solomon in all his glory (and they knew what
his glory was) was not arrayed like one of these”
(Matt. 6:28,29). But what was Solomon in his glory
compared with the Lord Jesus? What is the glory of the
Lord Jesus? Inclusively it is the revelation of the
fulness of God, the glory of God in the face of Jesus
That may not sound very practical, but let us mark that
this glory of Solomon was closely associated with his
wisdom; his wisdom indicated the nature of his glory.
There was something beyond the glory. This glory was not
mere tinsel, or mere show, but was the fruit of a great
wisdom that God had given him. It was the wisdom of
Solomon that issued in his glory and his fame. What may
be said of his wisdom? He spoke three thousand proverbs,
he wrote many songs; he spoke of trees, and of beasts,
and of birds, of creeping things, and of fishes. They are
all very practical things. How did he speak of them? He
invested everything in the creation with a meaning. If he
speaks of trees, he will give you a secret, give a
meaning to the trees, from the cedar in Lebanon (trees in
the Word of God all have a significance) to the hyssop
that springeth out of the wall. We know of what hyssop
speaks as we first meet with it away back in Exodus and
Leviticus. We know what the cedars of Lebanon stand for,
and all the trees in between the two equally bear a
meaning. Solomon gave the secret significance, the Divine
meaning. Then he spoke of beasts, and we know that the
Bible speaks of many beasts, and they all have a
significance. He spoke of fowls also, and of creeping
things, and of fishes. He unfolded the secrets of the
creation, and invested everything in the creation with a
deeper meaning. To be able to do that is proof of no mean
Wherein is the Lord Jesus superior? Well, after all,
Solomon’s was only poetic wisdom in those realms.
The Lord Jesus has practical wisdom; in this sense, that
everything is laid hold of by Him in relation to His
purpose, and made to serve that purpose. Oh that we could
see and believe that at all times in our experience! So
many things come into our lives. What a diversity! What a
range! How mysterious some things seem to be! How strange
it is that the Lord’s own people have so many more
experiences, both in number and variety, than anyone
else. It seems that almost anything that can happen to a
person, happens to a believer. You wonder sometimes, if
anything else is possible. Have we not exhausted the
whole store of possible experiences? That is how we
question. There is not one thing in the life of a child
of God but what is controlled and governed by a deeper
meaning in relation to His purpose. We recall Paul’s
statement: “And we know that to them that love God
all things work together for good, even to them that are
called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28). The
more accurate translation is, God worketh in all things
good. God invests everything with a meaning, for those
who love Him, and are the called according to His
purpose. The wisdom of God lays hold of everything and
gives to it a value. It may be that only eternity will
reveal to us the value of some things, but we must
believe that, inasmuch as our lives are wholly under His
government, there is nothing without a meaning, nothing
without a value. His wisdom is governing everything.
It is when we come to
realize that, to accept and believe it, that we find rest
in our hearts, and find ourselves on the way to gain
rather than loss. When we revolt against these things,
then we are in the way to rob ourselves of something. But
when we come into line with the Lord in these things we
find, firstly, rest in our hearts, and then the
discipline produces something of value. It is gain, not
loss; it is good, not evil. This is wisdom. That is
better than having so many poems; it is practical. A
greater than Solomon is here! That is the glory of the
Lord Jesus. How does His wisdom work out to His glory?
You and I go through a painful experience, a mysterious
experience; we can see no good in it; we can only see
harm in it. We are led to look to the Lord, to believe
that although we cannot see, cannot understand, He knows;
and we trust Him. We come through the trial, and our eyes
are enlightened about the purpose of it, and we worship.
Oh, we never saw that such a thing as that could produce
this! We never, never imagined that this value could
result from it. The thing which seemed to be for our
undoing is the thing that has brought us into a greater
fulness of the Lord. That is His glory.
Remember that His wisdom is governed by His love. That is
a great point with Solomon. It was the heart of Solomon
which was behind his wisdom. It was a wise and
understanding heart (not brain). Now look at Solomon. Two
women bring a babe to him. Solomon is watching. For what
is he watching? For something that he knows out of his
own experience. Read the story of Solomon’s birth.
Read that little clause about his mother’s special
love for him. Solomon was the darling of his
mother’s heart, and Solomon knew what mother love
was. He knew what the love of a mother for her babe was,
and he watches these two women. He has the keen eye of a
mother for her child upon those two women, and he says to
one at his side: Take this sword and divide the child in
two. That does not sound very much like a mother heart;
but he is watching. Then he sees the mother heart leap,
and hears her cry: No! I had rather that the other woman
had the child than that you should hurt it! And Solomon
knew who was the mother of that child. That is the wisdom
of Solomon which is actuated by his love.
Supremely does this characterize the Lord Jesus. Oh, it seems at times that the way He goes to work is hard, but it is actuated by His love. It may be strange and mysterious, but love is in it; there is a great heart behind it all.
When at the direction of Solomon the Ark was brought into the sanctuary, and set there in its appointed place, speaking of the Lord coming into His rest and satisfaction, we are told that this symbolic realization of the Lord’s end in rest was attested from heaven, and that Solomon turned his face to the people and blessed them. God has come into His rest in His Son, into full satisfaction, and then the Son, in whose face is the glory of God, turns to us in blessing: “...the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor. 4:6). A greater than Solomon is here.
The Lord give us a new apprehension of His Son.
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