READING: 1 Cor. 4:1-2; 1 Cor. 9:17; Titus 1:7-8; Col. 1:25; 1 Tim.
The subject of our meditation is to be that of stewardship. A
steward is a man who, on the one hand, stands in a living
relationship to all that his lord has, and, on the other hand, in an
equally close relationship to all who look to his lord for the
supply of their needs or to receive somewhat of his bounty. So that
the steward is a very responsible person. He is responsible for the
reputation of his master. What the world knows of his master will
very largely accord with what the steward is, and what the world or
the household receives of enrichment and good will depend very much
upon him. That is a very simple illustration, but that, and very
much more, is what is bound up with this word "steward", or
The Apostle Paul spoke of himself as a steward, as having been
entrusted with a stewardship, and it is impressive to note that he
applies the term to the believers in the Corinthian church or
assembly. We can quite readily understand and appreciate that Paul
should be a steward, but when he addresses the people in the
Corinthian assembly and says to them: "Let a man so account of us,
as of ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God" (1
Cor. 4:1), thus bringing them all in, surely that is transferring
the designation to very ordinary believers. We cannot, therefore,
evade the issue by saying, Well, that applies to special people like
Paul! It clearly applies to ordinary people like the Corinthians and
ourselves, and the exhortation is that men should be able to regard
us, to take account of us as stewards.
The Fact of Responsibility
That speaks of something more than merely having a standing as
believers. We might perhaps think the world must take account of us
as Christians! They will do so in any case if we make a profession.
But this Divine thought takes us much further. It brings us out into
a place of specific and definite responsibility in two connections;
firstly, to the Lord, binding up the Lord's interests with us in an
active way; secondly, in a like practical way, to men. We are
stewards, we stand in a place between, with a responsibility in two
The Lord's people need to be reminded from time to time of the fact
of their responsibility. There is a tremendous responsibility
resting upon everyone who is related to the Lord, because that
relationship is never a passive one, or ought never to be. It is not
the case that we are just members of a family, and there the matter
begins and ends. Membership of the family in the household of faith
is but one phase of truth, of the teaching of the Word of God. It
has its own special meaning and value. The fact that believers are
called by a variety of designations, and that the various
designations seem to counter one another, presents no actual
conflict when it is seen that they are but so many aspects of a
whole, and not mutually exclusive. For instance, in the case of
earthly relationships, for one to be a member of a family would
preclude one from being the steward of the household, but with the
spiritual relationship it is not so. We have to keep the family
relationship in its own place, to recognise that it brings its own
responsibility and obligations, and has its own meaning and value;
but with that in its place, you yet find yourself in another
direction in the position of a steward, where you come into a great
and specific responsibility. This holds good of all. We are all
called to be stewards: that is God's thought for every one of us.
Such an observation leads us to one or two important considerations.
The Qualification for Stewardship
A fact which should be very helpful to us is that all the Lord's
dealings with us are with the design of making us such stewards as
it is required we should be. A steward has to be qualified for
his stewardship. A steward must be a man of certain definite
characteristics. The fulfilment of his stewardship will demand
experience. He cannot step into a true spiritual stewardship at
will. There has to be a real preparation, a real development, a real
endowment for such a stewardship. If you read carefully the
connection in Paul's mind between the stewardship and its
fulfilment, you will see that the connection is a very practical
one, a very active one, a very deep one. He was conscious of the
need of special enablement, special gifts, special qualifications,
and for such equipment he had to go through special experiences.
Stewardship is a matter of training, and deep training at that.
In order to make us able stewards the Lord takes us into many
different kinds of experiences; into extraordinary, unusual
experiences; into such a variety of experiences as come to none but
His own people. No one else goes through quite the same variety of
experiences. There are features about the experiences of God's
people which are uncommon. Other people in the world may go through
certain sufferings which are seemingly like the sufferings of
believers: they may know the difficulty of poverty, the difficulty
of maintaining their position in the world; outwardly there may be a
similarity; but in reality, on the inward side, there are elements
associated with the experiences of believers which are not
associated with the experiences of the world; theirs are peculiar.
They have factors of a spiritual character associated with them,
which are entirely foreign to the ungodly, to the unbelieving. With
the experience of a believer there comes a challenge which does not
come to the unbeliever, there is a demand to be faced which in the
case of the world is not there. I believe that in addition we go
through a great many things as the Lord's people which we should
never go through if we were not His people. It is simply because we
are the Lord's that we go that way. The explanation is not merely
that we have to face an enemy when we take sides with the Lord. We
have further to take into account the fact that the Lord allows the
enemy to do what he does.
(1) An Experimental Knowledge of the Need
To what end is this? We have already shown that what governs the
Lord in His dealings with us, His mysterious dealings, His strange
leadings, His unique permissions, is His design of making us
stewards. How do these things accomplish such an end? A steward must
know the needs of the people to whom he is to minister. He must know
of their needs, and he must know the nature of their needs. The man
of God is not just an official. He is not someone taken out of a
crowd and put into office, and set a daily task which can be learned
by studying a manual. He has to have a vital relationship with the
whole position, and he must know in a living, experimental way the
nature of the needs to which he has to minister. Between him and
those to whom he is to minister his Master's riches there must be a
sympathy of heart by way of inward understanding. He must know the
variety of their needs, for what he would give to one would never do
for another; what he might give to quite a number would be
altogether out of place to give to others. He will find, as the
physician finds, that no two cases are exactly alike, because no two
temperaments are exactly alike. A dozen people may have the same
complaint, but it may be needful to treat each one differently,
because of different temperamental factors in each case. The true
physician is one who not only takes the complaint into account, but
the person who has the complaint. It is like that with the steward.
There has to be an understanding of the need, of the situation;
there must be a heart understanding, a sympathy.
The Lord deals with us in order that we might be able to minister in
an apt way. His stewards are to be men of understanding, who can
touch the various needs, who can reach the heart, so that the Lord's
children are saying: That just fits me! That touches my case! That
person must know! That one must have been through it! Who has been
telling him about me? Yes, the Lord knows, and He would take you and
me through experiences such as will make us stewards in a living
way: and that is what He is doing. The steward must understand the
universal needs, the variety of need, and must understand in a way
that no one can who merely studies from the outside. The Lord's way
of training His stewards is to take them
through things: and who is better able to meet the need than
the one who has known that need himself?
(2) An Experimental Knowledge of the
Then the steward has not only to understand the nature of the need
to be met, but he must have an equal knowledge of the resources with
which he is to meet it. He must know the quality of that which is at
his command, the nature of it, the values that are in it. Here
again, we can never know the values of the things of God unless we
have gone through experiences in which we have put them to the test
and proved them. No one really knows the value of Divine things who
has not proved their value in his own life.
The stewardship of the Gospel is something more than our seeing the
Gospel of the grace of God in the New Testament as a system of
truth, as something which embraces in a formula certain matters such
as forgiveness of sins, justification by faith, and all the other
elements of the Gospel: it is something more than that. The
stewardship of the Gospel implies that the Gospel has become wrought
into the very being of the steward, and that the steward himself is
rejoicing in it. Such a steward can come out of the treasure house
and meet the household, and meet those beyond, and say: I have
something here of tremendous value; I am rejoicing in it myself; I
know it, and I can assure you I am not giving you something that has
simply been taken hold of and passed on apart from experience;
something that is the result of my studies, the gleanings from other
minds, what the commentators and "authorities" say. I am up-to-date
in my personal knowledge and benefit of this matter.
What is true of the Gospel is true of the many-sided mysteries of
God. That is another stewardship of which Paul speaks. You and I are
led into the mysteries of God, into the depths, to discover those
secrets, in order that we may come out with the treasures of
darkness. Ah, but what darkness it is while we are there! No
treasures seem to abound in the darkness. All seems death, and
desolation. Poverty and starvation seem to reign. But to come out
with the treasures of darkness, treasures of darkness,
constitutes stewardship. Stewards are men and women who have been
through the dark and discovered treasures, and have the treasures of
darkness to pass on.
(3) Faithfulness
How much have you to dispense? Are you sure that you are dispensing
what you have? The Lord did not lead you through that trial, through
that darkness, through that strange experience, just for your sake.
The Lord has not dealt with you as He has in order that you should
be shut up to yourself, to enjoy the result alone. He has done that
to constitute you a steward. If you and I will only allow that fact
to govern us in the days of difficulty and trial it will help us
through. We should hold fast to the fact that the trial is to mean
enrichment for the Lord's people, and an increase of equipment and
qualification for stewardship. There are so many who have a measure
of spiritual wealth and are not making it available for others;
others are not getting the benefit of it. They have a knowledge of
the Lord that has come through experience, and if only they would
get alongside of others, those others would get some of the good of
the Lord's dealings with them, would be blessed, and enriched. Ask
the Lord to release you into your stewardship within your measure.
We are not speaking of an official, organised service for God, where
you have continually to be ministering to others whether you have
the resources with which to do so or not. That is all false, and
puts strain upon you; you may well revolt against that kind of
thing. We simply have in mind the way in which the Lord creates
living contacts. Children of God may cross your path in dire need,
and may all the time be looking for the person who can help him.
They have been crying to the Lord to meet the need, and have been
watching to see how the Lord would answer. They may cross your path,
and you talk upon all sorts of ordinary things; they pass on their
way, and you have failed in your stewardship. They have not received
that for which they have been asking, and the steward has
disappointed the Lord, and those who were looking to the Lord. Let
us ask the Lord to give us release from our tied-up state, to fulfil
this stewardship.
The Lord's Word is: " is required in stewards, that a man be
found faithful", not eloquent, intellectual, with a strong
personality, none of those things. What is your mental conception of
a steward? One who has a great faculty of speech, who finds no
difficulty in talking? No! " is required in stewards, that a
man be found faithful". I believe that the greatest virtue
in the eyes of God is faithfulness; it embraces everything.
Faithfulness is after God's own heart.
Take a passing glance at this steward - Paul the Apostle. "Demas
hath forsaken me..." (2 Tim. 4:10); "...all that are in Asia turned
away from me..." (2 Tim. 1:15). Look at him when everything which
would inspire to faithfulness is breaking down. He is left
practically alone. He has more enemies than ever. And now the
tragedy, the pathos is that so many of his enemies are those to whom
he has been most used. While there were enemies without it was not
so difficult, but now the very people for whom he has spent himself
have become his enemies. But there is no thought, no hint, no
suggestion of giving up. His word is, "...faithful unto death..."
This steward was faithful. You cannot say that when he died the
situation outwardly testified to tremendous success. It did not look
like that at all. Paul's life was not vindicated up to the hilt. No!
He died largely a lonely man, but faithful: " is required in
stewards, that a man be found faithful". But what enrichment of
others may follow from the meeting of that requirement, costly as it
is. Paul is not dead! I only hope that Paul knows of all that has
sprung from his ministry, all that his ministry means to us. The
Lord has met us through His servant, and we never, never get to the
depths or anywhere near the bottom of the fulness of Christ that has
come through Paul. We shall go on, and if we live twice or three
times the length of our present life we shall still be making
discoveries of what we owe to Paul's faithfulness as a steward.
That has been going on century after century.
That is faithful stewardship, and although the steward may be called
away from his earthly stewardship, the stewardship goes on.
Faithfulness is always rewarded beyond our wildest dreams. May the
Lord maintain us in faithfulness, even though that faithfulness may
sometimes involve us in an appearance of utter failure. The Lord
make us good stewards.
First published in "A Witness and A Testimony" magazine, Mar-Apr, 1937, Vol. 15-2.