Work in the Groaning Creation
T. Austin-Sparks
Chapter 3 - Christ in You
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that
I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and
with the house of Judah: not according to the covenant
that I made with their fathers in the day that I took
them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt;
which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband
unto them, saith the Lord. But this is the Covenant that
I will make with the house of Israel after those days,
saith the Lord; I will put my law in their inward parts,
and in their heart will I write it; and I will be their
God, and they shall be my people: and they shall teach no
more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother,
saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from
the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the
Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin
will I remember no more" (Jeremiah 31:31-34).
"Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he
saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a
body didst thou prepare for me; in whole burnt offerings
and sacrifices for sin thou hadst no pleasure: then said
I, Lo, I am come (in the roll of the book it is written
of me) to do thy will, O God. Saying above, Sacrifices
and offerings and whole burnt offerings and sacrifices
for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein
(the which are offered according to the law), then hath
he said, Lo, I am come to do thy will. He taketh away the
first, that he may establish the second. By which will we
have been sanctified through the offering of the body of
Jesus Christ once for all" (Hebrews 10:5-10).
"To whom God was pleased to make known what is
the riches of the glory of this mystery among the
Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: whom
we proclaim, admonishing every man and teaching every man
in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in
Christ" (Colossians 1:27-28).
"I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live;
and yet no longer I, but Christ liveth in me: and that
life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the
faith which is in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave
himself up for me" (Galatians 2:20).
That portion in Jeremiah has its fulfilment now in
Christ. It concerns the new covenant which the Lord said
was to be altogether different; not according to the
covenant which He made with Israel when He brought them
out of Egypt, but something within them, written in their
hearts. We know that the Lord Jesus Himself is the
embodiment of all the terms of the covenant, and that
covenant is sealed with His own blood. "Christ in
you" means that all that that covenant contains
becomes an inward thing, an inward power, an inward
revelation of God. "Christ liveth in you", said
the Apostle, and the mystery which God has been pleased
to reveal is: "Christ in you, the hope of
There is one comprehensive and all-embodying truth which,
if it really gained the complete mastery of our hearts
and dominated our whole consciousness, capturing our
will, our hearts, and our minds, would really
revolutionize everything, just as the new covenant
represents a revolution from the old covenant. The great
truth which embodies everything is this: that God has
determined that nothing which is not Christ shall remain,
and He is working toward that end, on the one hand to rid
this universe of everything that is not Christ; on the
other hand to fill this universe with that which is
Christ. That means that God does not accept or recognize
anything whatever that is not Christ. Then again, it
means that God puts His seal upon what is Christ, and it
is all a matter of the measure of Christ. It is a
tremendous thing when that really does come to our hearts
with the force and the power which it really does
represent. It explains everything of God's dealings with
us. It gives us the key to our problems. It sets us at
once upon the highway of God's own purpose.
If it should be felt that the world is really becoming
more and more full of evil, and not of Christ, we will
explain that seeming contradiction later.
But we begin here, and we notice the significant setting
of this in the letter to the Colossians. The first thing
in the Colossian letter is the matchless presentation of
the Lord Jesus. There is nothing in all the Word of God
to compare with the first chapter of this letter as an
unveiling of the Lord Jesus, that is, in any one part.
From eternity Christ is seen in and through creation, all
things unto Him, by Him, through Him, Christ in
sovereignty governing all things, controlling all things.
Gather it all up into one fragment, a universal fragment:
"That in all things he might have the
pre-eminence." There is the universal and eternal
Son of God! And then, all that, as in a Divine secret, is
brought right down and it is said: "Christ IN YOU,
the hope of glory". All that in you - the Church. It
is THAT Christ that is in you. He who created all
for whom all things were created is in you THUS,
He who upholds all things is in you THUS. He in
whom all things consist, hold together, is in you
corporately, as in His Body.
The second thing is this: that the letter goes on,
"seeing that ye have put off the old man... and have
put on the new man" (3:9-10). What does that mean?
That all that is not Christ is put aside, is repudiated,
and all that is Christ is put on, is brought in. So that
God's intention concerning His Son as universally
pre-eminent is going to be realized by His being put on
on the part of believers, who, as the third chapter says,
have been "raised together with Him". This, the
Apostle says, is the meaning of baptism (Colossians
Christ is not a second personality or power, to come
along to reinforce US, to vivify US, to
strengthen US, for us to use in life and in
service, and that He should make US something.
That is not the thought, and that is not the angle of
Scripture at all. And yet, how almost universally,
perhaps largely unconsciously, that is what is happening.
Christians are wanting to be made something, even as
Christians; and Christian workers and the Lord's servants
are, though perhaps unwittingly, wanting to be made
something as workers; and they want Christ to reinforce THEM,
come behind THEM, and make THEM something
as His servants and in His service. That whole system of
things is diametrically opposed to the truth. The truth
is that Christ shall be all, and that we decrease that He
may increase; that He should be the primary Personality,
and that the impact and registration of any life and any
service should not be: 'What a good man he was!' or 'What
a good woman she is!' or 'What a fine worker!' but: 'What
a presence of Christ! What a testimony to Christ! What an
expression of Christ! What a sense of Christ! What a
reality of Christ!'
The next thing I am going to say may be difficult to
accept, just as it is difficult to say, and yet
faithfulness demands that things like this should be
said. There is going to be a tremendous surprise one day
over this matter. There is a tremendous amount of energy,
and activity, and machinery, and zeal and devotion in the
work of the Lord, in the service of the Lord, which seems
to be producing something quite big, and carrying on
something quite extensive. It is not for us to judge, but
it is for us to lay down laws and recognize those laws,
or, rather, recognize laws that are laid down by God.
When eventually all work, all service, all activity, is
weighed in the balances, which will determine what abides
for ever or passes away for ever, all that which was MERELY
human energy for God will go; all that which was merely
man's enterprise for the Lord will go; all that which was
in any way out from man himself, even though in devotion
to God, will go. Only that which was the energy of
Christ, the wisdom of Christ, the power of Christ, will
remain. God is not using your energies and my energies.
He is calling upon us to use the energies of Christ. God
cannot set His seal upon anything that is of man. God's
seal only rests upon that which is of His Son, and we
must not say that because a thing is big, extensive, and SEEMS
to be a great work for God, that it necessarily is such.
What we have got to be quite sure about is that that
thing is not being carried on by the momentum of man, or
the momentum of organization, the momentum of machinery,
the momentum of human zeal and energy for God nor by the
momentum of a programme, but that it is being energized
by the Holy Ghost, that it is Christ Himself who is the
life and the power of that thing. In so far as human
personalities, energies and all that kind of thing are
the mainspring, we may be sure that in the end there is
going to be a good deal that goes. That can be seen as
you look back over the history of things which claimed to
represent God.
The object of saying this is not for one moment to cast a
cloud of suspicion or doubt over anything, but it is to
emphasize this truth, this basic truth. It is along the
line of jealousy for Christ. Nothing will remain in this
universe eventually but what is Christ, and we must
recognize that everything for God's ultimate purpose is
bound up with and in Christ, and it IS Christ. We
shall only come to the end which God has fixed as we know
how to draw upon Christ for everything. We shall be
established as we live by Christ, the work will be
established as it is out from Christ, as we do it out
from Him.
We have often spoken of this same thing in the direction
of the candlestick all of gold, as mentioned in the
prophecies of Zechariah. We must remember that the
wrought gold is the Lord Jesus. It is only a typical way
of saying that He was made perfect through suffering. The
gold is refined and perfected in its purity in the fire.
That is what happened with Him. Perfect, yet perfected
through suffering. The candlestick of pure gold is what
Christ is, and inasmuch as it is a candlestick, it is the
vessel and the instrument of the Testimony, the life, the
revelation, the unveiling. The vessel of the Testimony,
then, is what Christ is, and the Testimony can only be
upheld and maintained in clearness by what Christ is. We
in ourselves cannot maintain the Testimony. The Testimony
of Jesus will be maintained in us just in so far as we
conform to His image. To put that in another way: just in
the measure in which Christ has supplanted ourselves -
"no longer I, but Christ". God has a gold
standard, and He never departs from it. God's gold
standard is His Son, and He never deviates one little bit
from His Son.
This change from Christ in heaven to Christ in you is
just with that object in view. It is that, Christ being
in you, everything else shall be brought down under
Christ, and that Christ should take the ascendency in us
just as He has taken universal ascendency in heaven, and
it is that taking of ascendency which is the conforming
to His image. "No longer I" is a very inclusive
statement, for that "I" is many-sided. There is
'I like' and 'I will', 'I think' and 'I want'. And then
the opposites, 'I don't like', 'I will not', 'I do not
think', 'I do not want'. And 'I' is much more
comprehensive than that. Conformity to His image simply
means that that is ruled out, and oh! what a business
that is! While we have all accepted the final and the
full abolition of the 'I', by no means have we attained
unto that. We are very often in some way or another up
against that 'I', and the question again is whether it is
going to be Christ or 'I'. But the very fact that the
Holy Spirit makes a conflict of it shows that the thing
is active, and that something is going on. We need to ask
definitely that the Lord will keep that active, and that
He will make these crises much more acute.
Sometimes we have to ask ourselves, as we see personal
desires being followed out, likes being served,
preferences being manipulated, and it becomes so patent
that there is something which is quite natural ruling
decisions and making the plans: Where is the Cross, and
where is the Holy Spirit working by the Cross? Therefore,
you and I need to ask the Lord more every day to make
these crises acute, that we shall have no blind spots on
this matter, thinking that it is for the Lord when it is
really for ourselves. Any measure of that 'I' is
countering God's end, and anything that is done, even
though it be by a most devoted soul, for the Lord on that
basis is bound to have in it that element which will
limit its ETERNAL value.
The thing which is going to be wholly, utterly abiding,
eternal, must be utterly Christ. It may, therefore, be
necessary for a course of reduction to be followed by the
Lord. The thing may seem small and it may seem to be very
limited according to the world's standards. What is going
on can hardly be seen on the surface, but God is working
right down at the bottom to build from the foundation,
slowly, steadily, surely, and every fresh fragment that
God adds to that work is sifted, purged, tested. It is as
though God puts in something and then, before He adds to
it, He tests it, proves it, tries it, sifts it, until the
thing is, in its absolute purity, all of Christ and is
That seems to be God's way with something that is going
to be wholly of Christ. You can have, if you MUST,
to gratify the old human desires to SEE, to POSSESS,
to KNOW, to DO, to be active, something
bigger. But when you look on toward the end, it will just
be tested as to what is of Christ. All the other is
waste. You have plenty of Scripture to bear that out. I
am only putting my finger upon a central law. Is it not
true that God has determined to have nothing in this
universe eventually but what is Christ, and all else will
be removed for ever?
There is another way of looking at it. It is a glorious
prospect to know that the universe will be filled with
Christ, and God is going to have His end. When the Lord
gets hold of a life utterly, and when the Cross has
really entered into that life, so that that life can say:
"I have been crucified with Christ", nothing
passes, nothing gets through that is not Christ. God
keeps intensely short accounts with that life. God is
alive to everything concerning the first Adam. That is
the meaning of: "He that hath the seven spirits of
God". That phrase means the perfection of spiritual
vision. Go back to the prophecies of Zechariah and you
remember it speaks of "seven eyes". That means
that the Lord Jesus, who has the seven spirits of God, is
alive to everything, takes in everything, comprehends
everything. Nothing escapes Him. Especially is that
perfection of perception related to the things that would
be a menace to His ultimate purpose, and in all that we
do He knows exactly where the point is which marks the
end of what is of Himself and the beginning of us. We do
not know, but He does, just where these things overlap,
and He is letting nothing pass.
That represents a challenge to us! We have been seeing
that God, for His own satisfaction in relation to His own
ultimate purpose, must have a candlestick all of gold, a
vessel which represents what Christ is in an utter sense,
That means a deep cost, a great measure of suffering.
That is the challenge which comes to us. Until the Lord
reveals it with a heavenly light we do not see how big
the difference is between self and Christ. When the Lord
does a thing it is eternal.
Are our hearts set upon God having that which is wholly
of Himself? That means 'I' crucified! No longer I, but
Christ! And that means that Christ in us is the basis of
our conformity to His image, until we partake with Him of
His own nature - pure gold. It is something to face
seriously before Him. It brings to us a challenge, but
surely it also brings to us a glorious possibility! What
Christ is can be made good in us!
This is what God is doing in the groaning creation. It
does not appear to be so, for, to all appearances the
'fullness' seems to be evil. Do you remember a very
illuminating phrase in Genesis 15:16: "The iniquity
of the Amorite is not yet full"? The context shows
that Israel's exodus and occupation of the Promised Land
waited upon the Amorite's full cup of iniquity.
"Amorite" is a representative name for all the
nations then occupying the land. When that cup of
iniquity was full God emancipated Israel. The exodus
synchronized with a condition in the world. The filling
of the land with what was of God required the enemy's
extension of his evil nature to its limit; then God
We need say no more. The end time will be marked by
'iniquity abounding'. The rapture of the Church will take
place - as its exodus - when "the man of sin is
revealed", when the cup of iniquity is full. We are
living at a time when there is a positive landslide of
moral iniquity. It is called 'the new morality', but it
is not morality at all, it is 'non morality'. Look at
your map of the world and note how minute is the area of
the United Kingdom. It is almost lost in the great areas
of the world countries. And yet, in this so small
country, four hundred millions of pounds are spent
annually on gambling. There is a corresponding
expenditure on alcoholic drink, to say nothing of the
iniquitous drug business. No wonder that the nation is
fighting for economic survival, and has lost its place of
honour in the world. Perhaps the worst feature is that
governments legislate for these things, and thereby
largely condone or recognize them.
If this is true of such a fragment of the world, what of
the whole world situation? God is taking account of this.
He is causing the simple facts of His salvation to be
made known on a scale unprecedented in the world's
history, and when the whole world has had its opportunity
"then shall the end come". Two things are UNMISTAKABLY
evident: the world-encircling by the simple gospel of
salvation as never before, and the headlong rush of
iniquity to 'fill up the cup'. There is a third feature:
it is the ripening of saints by suffering unto the
grape-harvest. These three things are the "work in
the groaning creation".