The substance of this volume is messages given at the annual conference in Switzerland, 1963.
The messages are - with little editing - produced here in their spoken form, which accounts for the freer style than that of a meticulously literary form.
The conference was composed of friends of a number of nationalities, but one of its most precious features was the spirit of real fellowship and joy in the Lord. We would wish that something of the atmosphere of those days with the Lord might be sensed in the messages here passed on in book form.
I anticipate that there will be some big questions arising in relation to the setting aside of the first Israel and the establishing of another. Undoubtedly it will be asked whether all that is said on the matter means that we do not believe in a future for the literal earthly, historic Israel or Jews.
Let us say at once that we have said neither 'Yes' nor 'No' to this question. That is another subject and might require a book to itself. What is said here is positively what we believe to be the teaching of the New Testament as to the nature and purpose of God's work in this dispensation, and the calling and vocation of the Church, now and for ever.