Chapter 11 - In the Letter to the Colossians
following note written by TAS preceded this chapter in
the magazine:
"Note: In the sequence of this series of
messages, the next in order would be the Letter to the
Philippians. This has been included in the other series -
last month's issue,
Battle for Life".
Hence, we proceed to "Colossians"."
The chapter which was in the previous issue was chapter 4 and wasn't based on the book of Philippians. We think TAS may have meant the series entitled Christ Our All which was published in the magazine concurrently with the first chapters of this book and is a meditation on the letter to the Philippians.]
'Philippians' the climax and crown of all is in one
clause: "the Name which is above every name"
(2:9). That is the point at which the Colossian Letter
begins. The supremacy of Christ is horizoned in
'Philippians' by two clauses: "Equal with God"
(2:6) and "the Name above every name" (2:9). In
'Colossians' the One who was equal with God is presented
as the Creator of all things and the Upholder or
integrating centre. But here we are brought to the
farthest range of His victorious work, and the utmost
realm of that "Name". We are not going to take
time in telling of and explaining the Gnostic error which
called forth this Letter from the Apostle. The conclusion
which we shall point out will do all that is necessary in
that connection.
Having declared that Jesus Christ was the Creator, the
Container, the Consistor and the Upholder of all things,
the Apostle makes one flashing and devastating
declaration: "He stripped off the principalities and
powers, and made a show of them openly, triumphing over
them in it (the Cross)" (2:15). This is terrific! It
links the Cross with that immense revolt against God and
His 'appointed heir of all things' which took place in a
dateless past, before creation: the occasion of the
"casting down" of Satan and the angels which
"kept not their first estate" (Jude 6), a
rebellion which has built up a vast world kingdom and
system which determined to exclude or prevent Christ from
His inheritance. The serried ranks of spiritual forces
are opposed to God and all His rights. A cosmic conflict
for the government of this world and its occupants has
been operative through the ages, and for the universe.
This conflict from outside made its first historical
impact upon the first couple, and it looks as
though that battle went in favour of Satan. From then on
an innumerable host of hostile forces were let loose to
press home this advantage. The two major spiritual
weapons of Satan and his hosts are sin and death. God's
counter to these are righteousness and life in similar
sequence. Upon these two pairs the whole Bible rests.
Thus it is that something more than historical (i.e.
earthly) redemption is essential; it had to be cosmic,
universal, super-mundane.
'Colossians' is set in that context, and its focus is the
supremacy of Christ and the range of His Cross. The Cross
there is seen as cleaving a devastating rift between the
two cosmic and world rulers, and between the two forces
of sin and death, on the one side, and righteousness and
life on the other.
But what a different complexion it gives to Christ
crucified! The broken, battered, pierced, bleeding,
despised and rejected "Man of Calvary" is not
just Jesus the Nazarene dying at the hands of evil men;
He is fighting out to an eternal issue the battle of the
eternities with the cosmic forces of the universe, and
settling forever the question of sin and righteousness;
of death and life, and laying down the foundation of
human destiny!
There are two ways of seeing that drama of Calvary. One
is that of a human tragedy with all its horrors and
pathos, giving a place to Satanic triumph and sinful
man's evil power. This interpretation would spell the
defeat of God, the vanquishing of righteousness, and the
victory of death. Such an interpretation would give
credit to all the planners and executors of Christ's
destruction and make the crucifixion to be a vindication
of the Jewish rulers, who were the primary schemers and
actors in the work. But there is another and still deeper
interpretation and power. The Bible speaks of a Wisdom, a
profound wisdom which is hid in God from before
times eternal, hid from men, hid from devils, and hid
from Satan himself. This means that both men and the evil
cosmic forces are in darkness and blindness, and are
deceived, so that they really do not know what they are
doing in their hatred, malice and spite. The result is
that, all unconsciously and blindly, they are only
carrying out what God intended, and fulfilling the very
purpose which they intended to destroy. This is exactly
what happened at Calvary. A great work of cosmic
redemption was accomplished there through the very means
being used by Satan with the idea of totally preventing
it. So Paul speaks of "Christ crucified, the
wisdom and power of God" (1 Corinthians 1:23-24).
The Bible views the human race and the world as being in
the prison and authority of this great spiritual system
headed by Satan. Man is wholly unable to free himself; he
has neither the wisdom nor the power to do so. A Man must
come to his rescue and, because it is sin and death which
are the binding power and basis of the arch-enemy's hold,
the Rescuer and Deliverer must draw both the enemies and
their power on to Himself (like Samson and the
Philistines) - "through death destroy him that had
the power of death, that is, the devil" (Hebrews
This the Final Adam did when He "to the rescue
came". The original commission of the Apostle Paul
was couched in these words: "I send thee, to turn
them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan
unto God..." (Acts 26:17-18). There you have it.
While redemption has many aspects, which are represented
by the various words and terms used in the Gospel, that
is the outermost and all-inclusive range and realm in
this cosmic redemption.
We have, in much fewer words than are really required,
ranged the Gospel of our salvation, but surely we have
said enough to show how much greater salvation is than is
often so cheaply presented in evangelism. One sometimes
thinks that Satan must be very pleased with the cheap and
easygoing presentation of this that - to him - spells
such devastation! We are called to a very great heavenly
vocation in the ages to come and to "attain" is
through the most terrific debacle in the history of this
universe. Read again the Letter to the Colossians in this
light. It is surely not without significance that - in the Holy Spirit's ordering - this Letter is the last
doctrinal document from the pen of the Apostle Paul
before the Letters on the Lord's coming, the consummation
of all things, although the chronological order would be
Jesus, receive the grateful thanks of Thy people. We bow
at Thy feet. We would be Thy humble servants for
evermore. Help us by Thy grace to be faithful until the
end. Amen.
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