Chapter 7 - In the Letters to the Corinthians
We have, in
these messages, been seeing that each part (book) of the
New Testament has a particular aspect of Christ to
present for the Church in this dispensation. The writer
in his apprehension of Christ has this burden and urge,
and when we have read all the writings we have a very
comprehensive presentation of our Lord. There is,
however, another feature which is so very rich and
helpful. It is that these separate documents are what
they are in value because of their immediate practical
context. It is the situations to which they are addressed
which bring out the many-sided fullness of the mission,
meaning and message of Christ. History, both temporal and
spiritual, makes the Christ so necessary, but also so
appropriate. This is so very clear when we see the
background and occasion of these writings. The Letters to
the Corinthians - or the Church in Corinth - are
particularly rich in the drawing out of Christ, as I
trust we shall see. Oh, for a pen dipped in the fountain
of Divine inspiration to show even something of what is
embodied of Christ in these Letters! One's heart fails
before such an undertaking.
When "Corinth" or "Corinthians" are
mentioned, the reaction is immediately that of a frown.
The disorders, the wrongs, the sins, and all that is
reprehensible at once take the foreground of the mind.
Truly it is a terrible and distressing state of things,
and it may be excusable if a major question is asked as
to whether that IS Christianity. There is no
passing over of it lightly and this element, of contrast
and contradiction is not to be excused. The strongest
things are said about it by the writer of the Letters.
Face it! Take it all for what it is! Hide nothing! Having
done so ask your major question: Why did God ever allow
all this, and why did He allow it to be put into a
document which would go out to ever-widening circles
through an ever-increasing length of time? Why did not
God cover this shame, this reproach, this contradiction
to His own nature and will? When you have done all that,
and asked that ultimate question, you have really only
given the answer. God has never done that, either
in the history of His greatest servants, nor in that of
His chosen people. Over this strange way of God, a way
that we think we would never take, we have to ask a very
significant question: Would there be gain or loss from
the standpoint of all future time if all this delinquency
and wrong had been covered over and not have been allowed
to be known to posterity? There are different ways of
putting that question, but, have we, and the Church
through the centuries, gained from the Letters to the
Corinthians, seeing what it was that necessitated these
Letters? There are two main things that have to come out
of the answer to that basic question. Firstly, the values
that have accrued, which have been drawn out by
the situation being dealt with. Secondly, why was it that
such a situation could exist among Christians?
These two matters are going to take us a long way, and
into deep and very profitable waters or mines.
Let us, then, begin by gathering together some of what we
may call
The Spoil of Battle
That there
was a battle, and a very hot one for God's testimony in
Corinth, does not need arguing. Putting aside, for the
moment, the tragedy and shame of the situation there,
what of the values drawn out by it?
We have been accustomed to speaking of the Letters to the
Ephesians and Colossians, with Philippians sandwiched
between, as the high-water mark of New Testament
revelation. In their own realm that may be true. That is,
as a revelation of the eternal counsels of God relating
to the Church, as such, it is true. But in the
realm of Christianity and the meaning of the true
Christian calling and life, is there anything comparable
in the New Testament with some of the parts of the first
Letter to the Corinthians? Take, for instance, that brief
section in chapter 2, verses 9-10:
"Things which eye saw not, and ear heard not, And which entered not into the heart of man, Whatsoever things God prepared for them that love him. But unto us God revealed them through the Spirit:for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea the deep things of God."
What of the statements in chapter 6, verses 2 and 3, statements which most commentators and exegetes pass over because they cannot explain them:
ye not that the saints shall judge the world?"
"Know ye not that we shall judge angels?"
What a
startling way of awakening us to the calling in Christ!
What shall we say of chapter 13? Is there anything in all
literature to compare with that? Read it in the various
versions, such as Moffat's, the Amplified, etc. This is
indeed a superlative standard for attainment. No wonder
Paul himself elsewhere - and later - wrote:
"Brethren, I count not myself to have
But pass on to chapter 15, this utterly breath-taking
presentation of what the Apostle called: "The gospel
which we preached". When we read on to the
description of the different categories of the
resurrection bodies of the saints - sun, moon, stars,
glories; the change and transformation from corruption to
incorruption, and all the other details - we are left
standing, gasping, with one immense question: 'How did
Paul come to know all this?' The only possible answer
only increases the wonder of the revelation itself. It
must be all of a piece with his statement about the
Lord's Table in chapter 10 verse 23: "For I received
of the Lord that which I also delivered unto
you...". Being in the past tense - "I delivered
unto you" must link this on to the second Letter,
chapter 12: "I knew a man in Christ fourteen
years ago... caught up into Paradise and heard
unspeakable things...". Chapter 15 of the first
Letter must be just the fringe of the "unspeakable
Have I established my statement and argument that the sad
and deplorable situation at Corinth was sovereignly in
grace made the very occasion of drawing out some of the
most sublime things in Divine revelation? Thank God for
sovereign grace!
Now we must get nearer to the particular purpose of these
messages, namely, what Christ means in this situation.
To reach this we have to note some major features. The
Letters to the Corinthians are full of vivid contrasts.
Over against each other there is the contrast between:
The old
creation and the new;
The natural and the spiritual;
Darkness and light;
The earthly and the heavenly;
The temporal and the eternal;
The Old Testament and the New; etc.
In between
these contrasts stands Jesus Christ with what He means to
each. His back is toward the first set with the mighty
"No!" of His Cross. His face is toward the
second category with the mighty "Yes!" of His
In this way Christianity is shown to be severed and rent
in two.
Christianity Split in Two
There is
here revealed a Christianity to which Christ (in
His mission, meaning and message) says positively
"NO!" Over that Christianity is written a large
This is taken up for emphasis and pronouncement early in
the first Letter, and runs on through the many matters
which are standing for judgment and correction. Only
space forbids us tabulating these points of Divine veto.
Let the reader read the Letters and note the points at
which Christ says in effect: "Not so!" In that
way - in the end - the inclusive and comprehensive
verdict is: 'You will never get through to God's end in
that way!' To help in seeing this we can note where the
Corinthians are placed in spiritual history and
geography. Pick out the allusions to the Old Testament in
these Letters. Two things rise up in bold relief. One,
the old creation with its darkness, chaos, disorder,
'voidness', and features of judgment. Two, Israel in the
wilderness. We will take this second for our present
purpose. Quite clearly, Letter one and chapter 10 puts
the Corinthians (and a certain kind of Christianity) in
the position of Israel between Egypt and the Land of
Promise, and it does so with a very strong warning. The
same position is postulated in Letter two, chapter 3, at
verse 7 to verse 16.
What, then, were the features of that position in
Israel's history?
1. They were out of Egypt, the realm of judgment by sovereign
grace, and baptized "in the cloud and sea" positionally.
2. They were in the way of the "heavenly
calling", and God's purpose.
3. They had the TOKENS of the supernatural life
and position, e.g. the Manna, and Water, etc: the
"mystery of Christ", "and that Rock was
Christ." They knew the sovereign virtue of the blood
of the Lamb. Many were the evidences that God was with
them and for them. But with all that there hung over them
continually the threat and peril of missing the inheritance,
which - alas - that generation did do. This is the
warning to this certain kind of Christianity in
Corinthians. Why was that? What does
"Corinthians" say to that position? Probably
the answer is found in two particulars; one, it is
possible to be out of the world positional and for
the world to still be in you. Egypt, even after
all its judgment, still continued to pull back and
maintain its hold. It was never a very difficult thing to
hark back to Egypt. From the Corinthian Letters it is
easy to see that the world had its pull, its influence,
its attraction, over the soul of these Christians.
The writer was very sure that this could be disastrous
regarding the inheritance in the case of those whose standing
did not lead to their heavenly state. In this
connection it is that he so strongly discriminates
The Natural Man and the Spiritual Man
this is the man of soul, and the man of spirit. His
summing up of this difference is that the man of soul
cannot and does not go through. He does not come to
maturity, but, even after years, he is still a
"babe" (3:1-2). It is "he that is
spiritual" who can, and does, go through! Paul
strongly emphasizes the veto that rests upon the one when
he says that "the natural [soulical] man
Christianity has been very slow to even recognize, to say
nothing of accepting, this great divide. For want of this
discrimination (resulting from a deep ploughing and
cleaving work of the Cross) a Christianity exists which
is not going through to what God intends, and
multitudes of Christians are aware of it!
The universities and colleges may make doctors of
medicine, philosophy, art, etc., but be quite sure, a man
of the Spirit with the knowledge of "the things
which have not entered into the heart of man" can no
man nor university make! This is the argument and verdict
of the New Testament.
The inclusive point, then, is that Christ is Other.
He is the other Man, the Man of the Spirit. His
knowledge, wisdom, ability, are of another order. The real
effect of the indwelling and mastery of the Holy
Spirit is to show and make Christianity a
reproduction, a representation of Christ; the mission,
meaning, and message of Christ is to produce that
essentially other kind that He is (see 2 Corinthians
But read the two Letters again!
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