Chapter 4 - Christ Greater Than All
Matthew 3:1-6, 13-17; 4:1-11.
We are seeing that the Holy Spirit is taking up the
history of the Lord Jesus and is repeating it in the
lives of His people, and we come to the next chapter of
the biography that He is writing in the hearts of
It is unfortunate that these chapters in Matthew are
divided as they are, for the section that we have just
read ought to be one chapter. We should never divide the
baptism, the anointing and the temptation, for they are
all parts of one thing, and each depends upon the other.
We shall see that as we go on, but let us come back to
the beginning, to John the Baptist's preaching in the
wilderness of Judaea.
This was evidently one of those occasions in history when
there was a new movement of the Spirit of God from
heaven: what we would call in our time a revival. The
Spirit of God was coming down upon that country and was
convicting men and women of sin, and as they were
convicted of sin they became afraid of judgment - and
that is what every revival ought to be like. First of all
there should be conviction of sin and then fear of
judgment. John cried: "Who warned you to flee from
the wrath to come?" A great spirit of condemnation
and conviction had come upon the people and they were
fleeing to John to know the way of escape from the coming
wrath of God. Of course, that was just the ministry of
the Old Testament Prophets.
Then right in the midst of that revival, or that Holy
Spirit-convicting of sin and judgment, Jesus appeared on
the scene. It is wonderful that, while all this was going
on, He suddenly came into the midst and right into that
particular situation. The whole multitude were under a
great burden of sin and fear of coming judgment, and the
Lamb of God appeared in that - "Behold, the Lamb of
God that taketh away the sin of the world!" (John
Now John
was the last of the Old Testament Prophets and the
beginning of the New Testament Prophets, and if you see
Jesus standing there at the side of John the Baptist, you
see the Old Testament and the New Testament. All that is
in the Old Testament is gathered up in John the Baptist.
Jesus said that he was the greatest of the Prophets, and
that was because he gathered up all the Prophets into
himself. As I have said, the ministry of the Old
Testament Prophets was to bring conviction of sin and
fear of judgment, but standing by the side of John the
Baptist is another Prophet, One who is greater than John,
and He has come to answer the great cry of the Old
Testament for deliverance from sin and judgment. He has
come to bear away the sin of the world.
So John is the sum of the Old Testament Prophets and
Jesus takes up the work where all the Old Testament
Prophets laid it down. They were not able to go beyond
conviction of sin, for they were quite unable to take sin
away. Jesus takes up their work at that point, and the
imperfect work of the Old Testament is made perfect in
the New.
So you have two things side by side. First you have the
two Prophets, the Old Testament Prophet and the New
Testament Prophet.
Then you
have the two baptisms. There are two baptisms in the
Bible, and you will find these mentioned in the
nineteenth chapter of the Book of the Acts, when Paul
came to Ephesus and discerned that there was something
missing in the Christians there. He asked them: "Did
ye receive the Holy Spirit when ye believed?" (verse
2), and they replied: "Nay, we did not so much as
hear whether there is a Holy Spirit." So Paul said:
"Into what then were ye baptized?" And they
said, "Into John's baptism." Then, after Paul
had explained the significance, they were baptized into
the name of the Lord Jesus.
Now I do not advocate being baptized twice. I believe
that in one country people are baptized every year, but,
as far as I can tell, they are not any the better for
that! However, here you have the two baptisms alongside
one another. John said: "I indeed baptize you in
water... but he that cometh after me is mightier than
I... he shall baptize you in the Holy Spirit." Water
in the Old Testament speaks of judgment and death. You
ask Noah about that! You remember that the Apostle Peter
refers to the flood as the baptism of that time (1 Peter
3:21), and that was a baptism indeed! If you asked those
people: 'What did your baptism mean to you?', and they
were able to answer you, they would say: 'Well, it was
judgment and death. That is what the water meant to us.'
Go on a little further in the Old Testament and ask
Pharaoh about water. You know that the Apostle Paul tells
the Corinthians that the Israelites were "all
baptized into Moses in the sea" (verse 2), so the
Red Sea was a baptistry. If you asked Pharaoh and his
army what their baptism meant, they would answer: 'It was
judgment and death.'
This was the baptism of water in the Old Testament, and
John's baptism was the baptism of judgment and death. But
he said: 'He who comes after me will baptize in the
Spirit', and that is life and salvation, that is baptism
into the Saviour and not into death and judgment, and
that is baptism into eternal life.
Then you
have the two lambs. They are here in these Scriptures,
although they are not mentioned by name. John represents
the Old Testament system, and therefore he gathers into
himself all the types of the Old Testament, those lambs
that were slain over many, many centuries. Day after day,
and year after year the lambs were sacrificed, but we are
told by the writer of the Letter to the Hebrews that they
could never take away sin for, after all, they were only
types, and not the reality. Thousands, or millions, of
lambs never took away sin, but John points to the other
Lamb. There is only one Lamb, but this One does what all
the millions could never do: "The Lamb of God that
taketh away the sin of the world." Here you have the
reality! In the Old Testament the lambs were never
effective, but this Lamb is the One who has the POWER
to deal with sin. What those other lambs could never do
He does in one offering forever.
Do you hear what Jesus says? "Thus it becometh us to
fulfil ALL righteousness." You remember that
we have already said that that word 'righteousness' means
'right standing with God', so Jesus is saying: "Thus
it becometh us to fulfil all right standing with
God." Here, however, our language is difficult, and
the real meaning is 'To make full and complete right
standing with God.' Through all the ages all the world
wanted to be in right standing with God and now here at
the Jordan is the One who is making right standing with
God complete.
I wonder if that is what your baptism has meant to you?
Those waters of baptism ought to have carried away all
condemnation and all judgment. Charles Wesley wrote one
poem that has never become a hymn to be sung, and I do
not know whether it would be possible to sing it.
Certainly those in denominations would not be able to
sing it honestly, nor would anyone in the Christian
system as it is today. In that poem Charles Wesley
depicted all the different kinds of Christians: the
Presbyterian with his clerical clothes and collar, and
his special kind of hat, and even the Plymouth Brother,
whom he depicted with a Bible in his hand. He brought
them all to Jordan, and when they got into the midst of
Jordan, the stream was rushing so fast that it carried
away the clothes of the Presbyterian, everything that
marked the different denominations, and even the Bible of
the Plymouth Brother! All that went down the river, and
all that was left was just men stripped of everything.
Did your baptism mean that? You cannot be a sectarian if
you understand your baptism! You cannot be any of these
things that Christianity makes us in these times. The
waters of the Jordan take from us all these artificial
things and leave us just men and women before God. That
is the meaning of baptism.
I said that I do not advocate being baptized twice, but
perhaps some of you are feeling that you ought to be
baptized again now!
Well, these two baptisms and these two lambs represent a
dividing of everything that is imperfect and a making of
a way for that which is perfect, and they leave us in
right standing with God. All these other things do not
bring us into that right standing with God.
Now we have
two other things - two horizons which meet at Jordan.
"Then went out unto him (John) Jerusalem, and all
Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan."
Although these were different regions, they were one
nation, which means that representatives of the nation
were there, and when they were baptized they had to leave
their national ground. They were Jews, or Israelites, no
longer. You say: 'Where do you find that in this Gospel?'
Well, what did John say about the Lord Jesus? 'Behold the
Lamb of God that takes away the sin of Jerusalem? Or the
sin of Judaea? Or the sin of Palestine?' Oh, yes, He
does, but much more than that. The WHOLE WORLD
meets at the Jordan and all mere nationalism goes.
When you are baptized into the Holy Spirit you lose your
earthly nationality - and now you say: 'What is the proof
of that?' My answer is that Hotel Bellevue, Hilterfingen,
Switzerland, is the proof of that! How many nationalities
are there in this room? And how many of you different
nationalities will have nothing to do with those of other
nations? 'Oh, he is German, or - worse still! - British,
or Chinese, so we do not have anything to do with them!'
No, a greater horizon comes into view in Christ. It is
something that the Spirit of God does in us, so that we
love one another without any regard for nationality.
I think Christians have to learn something about this!
Although what I have just said may be very true with us
here today, it is not true amongst Christians everywhere.
I have been to other countries and I have overheard
people say: 'I wonder what that ENGLISHMAN is
doing here?' They were Christians and in a Christian
conference - but that is an absolute denial of Christ and
the Holy Spirit.
Well, all this is very simple, but it is very blessed to
have an experience of the Jordan. You see, I am talking
about the real writing of the life of Christ, and there
is a chapter on 'Christ greater than all'.
Now Jesus
is baptized, and when He sinks beneath the waters He
represents that whole race of mankind which is
discredited by God. When He said: 'This is the way to
fulfil all righteousness, to make real and full right
standing with God', He clearly implied that we are not in
right standing with God without this. The man who is not
in right standing with God must be put under the water
out of the sight of God, for he is the discredited
humanity. Surely we agree with that if we know men?
So these waters cover that which is discredited, and when
Jesus comes up out of the water what is the first thing
that happens? This One is accredited: "This is my
beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." He is
accredited by God. He is another Man. The one has been
put out of God's sight, and now the other stands under an
opened heaven and God is saying: 'I love this One!' He is
the first of a new race to be accredited by God.
We must
recognize that the anointing must be kept related to the
baptism. There cannot be the anointing until there has
been the baptism. These two follow each other as day
follows night, and in the beginning of the creation the
day and the night were one. It is strange that it says
that "there was evening and there was morning, one
day" (Genesis 1:5). I think it just means that you
cannot have a whole day until you have had the night of
judgment and condemnation and come out of it into the new
day of light. It is like that in spiritual experience. We
know that there was one day in our lives, and half of it
was night when we came under conviction of sin and under
the fear of judgment. That was the dark part of another
day. I am an old-fashioned Christian and I believe that
this ought to be true of everyone who is born again. I
think that the trouble with many Christians is that they
never had a dark night, the terrible sense of sin and
judgment which is a necessary preliminary to the day.
Now I know that some of you are saying: 'I know I am a
Christian, but I never had that experience.' I will ask
you this: 'If you did not have it at the beginning, have
you had it since? Has there never come into your
spiritual experience something of this sense of the
awfulness of sin and the reality of judgment?' I think
that experience has to have a place in every Christian
life, and I am not sure that that night/day ever has an
end. I mean this. Even after many years of being the
Lord's, you can have a terrible experience of what a
dreadful thing sin is in your own heart. I think the Lord
has to do that from time to time to make us appreciate
the wonder of being saved. These dark nights of
condemnation leading to glorious mornings of
justification are foundational to spiritual growth.
Well, if you do not believe that theology, or accept that
doctrine, do not worry too much about it. I am only
telling you of my experience, when sometimes I have got
into the depths of feeling what a terrible person I am,
and then the Lord has brought me through and shown me
what a glorious thing salvation is. I think that is the
only way to appreciate our salvation. I am sure you agree
with that!
Now, what does the anointing mean? There is another Man
now, who is on the life side of the Jordan, and there we
are all supposed to receive the Holy Spirit. I believe
that the reception of the Holy Spirit goes with new
birth. As with salvation you come more and more to
understand and appreciate salvation, so with the Holy
Spirit you come more and more to understand the meaning
of the Holy Spirit, but that does not mean that you have
just that day received the Holy Spirit. I know I am on
dangerous ground, but I am not going to be drawn into
your argument! I am going right on. What does the
anointing mean?
Notice that the anointing relates to only one thing, and
that is the purpose of God in our salvation. I am going
to call that purpose 'vocation'. It was here at the
Jordan that Jesus took up His life vocation, the very
purpose for which He had come into this world, the work
that He was to accomplish. Get that and hold it for a
The second thing was that it established the relationship
between Him and God. Notice the sequence: first, purpose;
second, relationship; and the third thing was equipment
for the vocation. When Jesus was anointed at the Jordan,
that was the beginning of His life vocation, and that
vocation was to be established upon a complete fellowship
with His Father. The relationship was to be on the basis
of Son and Father, Father and Son. The Bible has so much
to say about that relationship! I dare not stop to go
over that ground, but the Bible's idea of a Son/Father
relationship is that the Son will do nothing without the
Father. He will consult His Father about everything; He
will seek to know the pleasure of His Father in
everything; He will do the will of His Father in
everything; He will listen to no other voice than the
voice of His Father. That is the relationship in both the
Old Testament and the New. You see, the devil has upset
that, but here it is established as the only ground upon
which a life service for God can be fulfilled.
The purpose of God - that governs. Fulfilled in relation
to God - that governs. And then, equipped by God to
fulfil that purpose - THAT is the anointing.
It is gathered up into one word, and that is 'servant'.
You remember what we have already said about that! Let us
go back to Mary, the mother of Jesus. We saw that her
whole significance was to bring the Lord into this world,
and that is THE meaning of service.
We saw three things in the case of Mary. Firstly, we saw
the Cross, the cost of this service - and how costly this
was to Mary before this world! And the old man in
Jerusalem said to her: "Yea and a sword shall pierce
through thine own soul" (Luke 2:35). It was going to
be a very costly thing to bring the Lord into this world!
It was going to mean the Cross, because it was at Calvary
that the sword went through the soul of Mary.
Secondly, we saw that the ability to fulfil this service
was the Holy Spirit: "The Holy Spirit shall come
upon thee" (Luke 1:35). He was the ability, or the
resource, for fulfilling the ministry.
Then we saw the third thing - the devil. He had an
instrument, that wicked Herod in Jerusalem. Shall we say
that he was 'Satan incarnate', who focused all his malice
upon this one little child. He would stop at nothing to
kill that Babe! "A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping
and great mourning" (Matthew 2:18), and do you think
that Mary escaped? She knew about it, and she knew that
her Babe was involved in that! The devil came out when
she brought the Lord in - and what a lot of history there
is in that!
Let us go on to John the Baptist. His vocation was to
prepare a way for the Lord, to bring the Lord in. Was it
a costly thing for John? Yes, John brought the Lord Jesus
in, but the same devil was watching and he had a Herod
again, and this Herod beheaded John. Behind the incidents
that led up to that there was this sinister power that
says: 'If you are going to bring Jesus Christ into this
world, I am going to be your enemy!' It was costly indeed
for John to bring the Lord in, but he fulfilled his
ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit, and although
Herod took off his head, later that same Herod was afraid
that John had risen from the dead. When Herod heard what
Jesus was doing he said: "John the Baptist is risen
from the dead... John, whom I beheaded, he is risen"
(Mark 6:14,16). I think John the Baptist haunted his
dreams! However, the point is that the work was
accomplished in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Are you translating this into spiritual experience? This
is not only Bible teaching, or exposition, but it is
spiritual history. You see, dear friends, we are here in
this world as Christians for one purpose only, and while
what I am saying will have a special meaning for those
who are in what we call 'fulltime service' - people whom
we wrongly call 'the Lord's servants' - it applies to the
simplest, humblest believer in this place. You are called
to the same vocation as were John the Baptist and Mary,
the mother of the Lord Jesus. More than that, you are
called to the same vocation as was Jesus Christ, and that
vocation to which you are called is no more nor less
than, nor anything other than, to bring the Lord in, that
where you are the Lord is. You are to make a way for the
Lord. You are to be, so to speak, the vessel of Christ
coming in. You are John the Baptist, and you are Mary. In
a sense, your presence means Christ. That is our
vocation, and it ought to revolutionize our lives.
Dear friends, it revolutionized my life. You see, I was
what was called 'a minister', and I wore a clerical
collar and all that kind of thing. I thought 'the
ministry' was mostly to do with getting up sermons and
preaching them on a Sunday. Really, for me, 'the
ministry' was climbing steps up into a pulpit and
preaching a sermon. Well, as you can see, the Lord has
done something! He has shown me what the ministry really
is, and if this ministry is not being fulfilled, I am
ready to go out at once. If I am not bringing the Lord
Jesus in, if the result of any life is not more of the
Lord Jesus in this world, then my life is a failure. I
have missed the meaning of service. And this belongs to
you, whoever you are. You may not be a great public
figure, you may never be called a 'minister', you may
never preach in a pulpit, but you can be a servant of the
Lord as much as John the Baptist was. It can be said that
because people met you, they met the Lord, because you
lived in that village, people knew the Lord was there.
Are you taking this to heart? You see, this is the
principle of the New Testament. It is put in this way in
the Gospels: Jesus sent His disciples into all the towns
10:1). Why did they go? To bring Him there. That is the
principle throughout the New Testament. Oh, no, they were
not sent into all these places to form churches, but to
bring the Lord Jesus. I do not think that the devil cares
a little bit about people forming churches, in fact, I
think that many of the churches that are formed please
the devil very much! He does not find that they are a
challenge to him, but where these New Testament servants
of the Lord went, the devil recognized the significance
of their being in that place. 'They are to bring Jesus
here, and that is the most dangerous thing to our
kingdom!' So, if we have something of the Lord, if our
presence means the coming in of the Lord, what do we
We expect
the third part of the chapter, for the next phase is the
temptation in the wilderness.
My time has gone, but I will just say one thing and leave
it there. Baptism, the anointing and the temptation are
all one thing. If you are in right standing with God, for
that is what baptism really means, if you have received
the Holy Spirit, the anointing, you must expect that the
next thing that will happen is that the devil has put his
mark upon you, and his one object will be to break up
your testimony concerning the Lord Jesus, to nullify the
presence of Jesus in your life, or to get you right out
of the way. The enemy will be watching you all the time
to try to destroy the presence of the Lord Jesus and to
get you out of the way.
This is the quite natural sequence: right standing with
God; the indwelling Holy Spirit of the anointing; the
great purpose of God taken up to bring Him into this
world; and then the conflict with the enemy, and that
will go right on to the end. Do not expect anything else.
Jesus told us not to expect anything else, and the
Apostles show us quite clearly that we should not expect
anything else.
May the Lord write this chapter in our hearts!
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