"Ye turned unto God from idols, to serve a living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10.
first letter to the Thessalonians has been divided into
five short chapters which can all be read in about ten
minutes. Certain things emerge even as we are reading.
The first is that this was written to comparatively new
converts so that we can learn something about how they
started and had been progressing so far. It is a message
about the beginnings of the Christian life. Then we are
impressed by the exemplary character of these young
Christians. The apostle had no fault to find with them,
but everything to commend. He wrote that he gave thanks
to God always for them all; and he went on to say that
they had become an example to all that believed. Best of
all we can find here some definition of the gospel which
produced such Christians. Paul called it "our
gospel" and recalled that it came to them in the
power of the Holy Spirit. In the last two verses of the
first chapter he made a few concise statements which
represent an epitome of this gospel. It needed a master
hand to gather such majestic truth into the compass of
four simple clauses, but here they are:
1. "Ye turned unto God from idols to serve a
living and true God".
That is the first stage of the Christian life. It might
be argued that these had been pagans in a pagan world
with its system of idol worship, so the comparison cannot
fairly be made between them and people of our own
'Christian' society. My answer is that it is quite right
in principle and in fact to class all unsaved people
together. The principle is that the idea behind the word
'serve' is that of worship, which is really 'worth-ship'.
These people had devoted themselves to other objects than
God, and wrongly imagined that these were the things of
real worth. What belongs to God and is not given to Him
but to some other object is really idolatry. And what all
men do, in many forms and in different ways is to give
their lives in service to false gods.
So the first stage of a true Christian life is this - the
realisation and recognition that God is worth your giving
everything to Him. He is worthy to have the worth-ship of
your life, to have all that you have and are laid at His
feet. So when Paul and his companions (for he wrote in
the plural) came to this people, he set forth in the
first place the worthiness of God to have all their
lives, and to have them altogether. As he spoke of the
living and true God the Holy Spirit made them realise how
different they had been and how unworthy had been the
course hitherto. We can only see the worthiness of God in
Christ, and it is to Him that the Spirit testifies:
'Marvel not that Christ is glory
All my inmost heart has won.'
That is
where it all begins. Anything less than that, anything
other than that as a beginning will find us out sooner or
later. He is One who, by reason of His self-manifestation
and of the great work He has done for our redemption, is
worthy to have everything that we count worthwhile in
As we go on in the Christian life, it is upon that very
thing - our foundational beginnings - that we are tested
again and again. It comes up repeatedly - Is Jesus Christ
worthy of this? Is God worthy of this? Is this something
which is too valuable to give up to Him or for Him? What
place does He have in comparison with this? And if at the
beginning there is any faultiness or weakness about that,
we shall find ourselves sooner or later held up until we
have got through on the sheer and direct question of
whether He is worthy.
These Thessalonians made such a good start, and then went
on to become such exemplary Christians because they
settled it very thoroughly in their hearts at the
beginning that there was nothing in the world worth
receiving their worship compared with Him. It indicates
the deep and large place which they gave to the Lord
Jesus from the very start. All along the way we have to
face this test - 'is the Lord worthy of this? Is He big
enough even for this?' So it comes back to the simple
question - which often is not so simple - as to whether
He has captured and captivated our hearts and been given
first place there. You can go bounding on in your
Christian life if this is settled. You will make little
or no progress if you have questions and controversies in
this connection. If we harbour reserves, if we want our
own way, if we want to serve our personal interests, then
we do not go on but are held up.
These Christians made swift progress because there was no
division of heart between them and the Lord about
anything. Through the Scriptures the Lord brings us the
challenge as to whether this is foundational in our walk
with Him. After all the Lord is not satisfied for us just
to have head knowledge about Himself and His truth. He
does not accept our informed minds, even though they hold
orthodox views as to His cross, His church and whatever.
The Lord looks right down into our hearts to enquire what
place is given there to Him. He is less concerned about
the spiritual information which we hold in our minds and
much more desirous of being given the full worship of our
hearts. From the first moment the Thessalonians
determined to worship God. That matter was fully settled,
and so it was possible for Paul to thank God always for
them. He saw that they had no personal interests and no
wishes of their own. They were devoted to the Lord
without reserve and were right out for Him. Such people
always provoke praise to God.
"A living and true God." That is why He is
worthy of worship. If we give our lives and pour them out
in any other direction than for God, we are pouring
treasure into the sand. There is going to be no return.
That will be an end in itself, and will produce a death
from which there is no return. God, however, is living
and true. Everything else will prove false and empty. If
there is one thing about Christian life it is the
absolute reality of God. For our flesh it is not always
quite pleasant to face that reality, but it is at least
reality. Far better to come up against God as reality
even in a painful way, than not to know who God is and
where. Far better to have a living God who checks you up,
if necessary who chastens you, than to have a god who is
no God at all.
2. "...to wait for his Son from
Many people have failed to recognise that this waiting
for the return of Christ is part of the foundation of
Christian life, and part of the gospel by which we are
saved. To wait for His Son from heaven. What did this
mean to the Thessalonians? In this brief letter Paul had
much to say to them about the coming again of the Lord
Jesus. Amongst a great many other things, it means that
all our personal hopes and our hope for the world is
bound up with the kingdom of Christ. Apart from His
coming and bringing in His kingdom there is no hope at
all. So it was that the Thessalonians realised that until
they knew Christ they had been wearing themselves out for
things which offered no solid hope. Life had been an
enigma, a tragedy, until they were able to expect this
eternal kingdom of God's Son.
When they came to the Lord they did so on this basis,
namely that God's Son is coming again and will put
everything right. The one hope for mankind is the coming
kingdom. It is one of the strange enigmas that the world
still has false hopes of putting itself right. Someone
has said that 'all we have learned from history is that
we have learned nothing from history', and that is just
what is happening. Men are getting into deeper and deeper
mire and perplexity, not seeing any way through, and yet
all the time they are seeking for expedients to save the
situation and rescue the world. But it is a counsel of
despair. The Word of God makes it perfectly clear that
there is no hope for humanity apart from Jesus Christ
being in the place of absolute Lordship in His kingdom.
The Thessalonians came to believe that. They did learn
something from history. What they learned was that it
gets you nowhere - except into more and more trouble,
more perplexity and final despair. Then they saw that
God's Son is coming from heaven to set up His kingdom and
they knew that when that happened all would be well with
God's redeemed humanity.
This is fundamental. Let us get it settled right at the
beginning, not as a mere study of prophecy about the
Second Coming, but as a fundamental conviction that our
hopes do not rest on any prospect in this world, but only
on the sure and certain expectation of the personal role
of Christ. He is coming, and when He comes all will be
well. We shall be lifted above that which now limits us.
Is it not remarkable that when we Christians sing a hymn
about the coming of the Lord something seems to be
released? It is not just that we have a lovely idea, sing
about it and so feel better, but rather that the Holy
Spirit comes to us in full measure as we concentrate on
the coming Lord. After all the Spirit is working
everything in the light of that day, and when He finds
the people of God in harmony with Him, He gives a
wonderful sense of uplift and life. How many people in
sufferings and trials have been lifted clean out and up
just by being reminded that Jesus is coming again?
Many years ago I used to visit an old couple who were so
poor that they lived in one room. The old man had not
moved out of his armchair for twenty years, and as he
could not be left alone, his wife rarely went out of the
house. They had nothing in this world. Were they unhappy
and depressed? Not a bit of it! I used to pay them a
regular visit every week and they were always a rebuke to
me. They always gave me a smiling welcome and wanted to
know what I had been preaching about. And their hope? The
coming of the Lord. Right to the end they lived rejoicing
in this expectation. Now it was no false hope in their
case, even though the Lord did not return in their
lifetime. The hope is valid to us all and the Holy Spirit
bears witness that this is the goal to which He is
leading us - the coming kingdom. If you read on in this
letter you will find that the Thessalonians knew quite a
bit about adversity - they "received the word in
much affliction". They knew ostracism, they knew
persecution, they knew what it was to be frustrated in
their business life by reason of their faith. They knew
physical suffering and inward distress, but they went on.
They were examples to others. Why? Just because they were
looking for God's Son from heaven. It was a basic part of
their faith in Christ.
3. "...whom he raised from the dead..."
The one they were waiting for, the one in whom they were
trusting, was the one who had been raised from the dead.
What did that mean for them? There is only one who can
raise from the dead, and that is God. So if God raised
Jesus from the dead it is a clear proof that in His
opinion the work for which He came into the world had
been perfectly completed. We know that Jesus had died in
order to accomplish full redemption for sinful mankind.
He died to deal with the whole sin question and to take
away condemnation from believing men. This work had been
completed to God's own satisfaction, as He attested by
His act of raising Christ from the dead. The debt had
been fully paid. The condemnation had been wholly taken
away. This is the meaning of the resurrection.
This was a key point in Paul's preaching. It had been
received by the Thessalonians who now knew that the whole
sin question was for them a settled matter. Forgiveness
is secured; salvation is established; God is satisfied.
How important it is that we should all have this great
truth built into our spiritual foundations. So many
Christians suffer from a sense of accusation and
condemnation which completely undermines this fundamental
fact of the finished work of Christ. It is true that we
still make mistakes, we blunder, we default, we err, we
sin, but we must never allow satanic forces to rush in
with their persistent suggestion that the work of the
cross is not enough and that we can again be brought back
on to the ground of condemnation. If we do give any
ground to the accuser we shall never make the kind of
spiritual progress which was evident in the Thessalonian
believers. On the contrary we shall find ourselves living
a very jerky kind of Christian life, going on for a bit,
then pausing, coming up only to fall down again. Those
who get into that kind of repeated condemnation become a
playground for the Devil, never going on steadily in the
way that makes it possible for God's servants who labour
among them to say that they thank God on every
remembrance of them. God raised His Son from the dead!
This is a basic truth which will bring us deliverance.
Moreover we are told that He "raised us up with
him" (Ephesians 2:6). Therefore we have no right to
be downcast. We need not reason or argue about the matter
but just rejoice, as the Thessalonians did, that it has
all been fully and finally settled by the resurrection
from the dead of our crucified Saviour.
4. "...even Jesus, who delivereth us from
the wrath to come."
This clause brings a shadow into our thinking, a shadow
which we would much rather avoid, but which is
nevertheless a part of the foundation of our faith. For
the Word of God declares again and again that wrath is
coming. It is coming. Paul's words carry no vagueness or
doubt but declare quite clearly and definitely that there
is coming a day of God's wrath. If we ask why it has to
be, the answer is that it was never originally appointed
for man but was intended for Satan and his angels. We are
back to our original words about idols. There are only
two gods in this universe. One is the true God whom we
serve and the other may have various forms and
representations but is really the god of this world,
Satan. It is true that the number of those who would
actually claim to be Satan-worshippers is comparatively
small, but this does not alter the fact that man is a
worshipping creature and either worships the true and
living God or allows His rival to take His rightful place
in the life, and so gives the 'worth-ship' to the Devil.
Satan's first approach to man is always the attractive
one. He started as the most beautiful of all God's
creatures (Ezekiel 28:12-15). "Even Satan" says
the apostle Paul, "fashioneth himself into an angel
of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14). It is in this guise
that he seeks to capture men's hearts and obtain their
worship, and when he gets it, then he drags his followers
into the same condemnation which God has prepared for
him. That is the terror of the gospel. It is real but it
is not for the believer, for God delivers us from it,
because we accept the redemption so freely provided in
the Lord Jesus.
This was the fourth element in the foundation of the
exemplary Christian experience of the Thessalonians. They
knew of the wrath to come, but they also knew that it was
not for them. And they were able to proclaim a similar
deliverance for all who would receive their testimony.
God's people are free people. They do not dread the
future; they do not live under the shadow of judgment.
There are no dark clouds of condemnation on their horizon
but only the bright Morning Star of their coming Lord.
However much progress we make in the Christian life we
must never forget these basic facts. Indeed it is on such
a foundation that we can make the kind of progress which
provoked such glad recognition by the apostle Paul in
regard to the church of God in Thessalonica.
"Toward The Mark" Jan-Feb 1975, Vol. 4-1.